The End (thank you)

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So we have come to the end of this book.

First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you. You guys have all been amazing and made me feel so appreciated as an artist. You look at my art, comment some helpful stuff, and even drop a vote or two (hundred sometimes 😂)
So I thank you all.

I would also like to mention just a few people who have really been consistent in their support and need some appreciation

Whether it's voting or dropping a nice comment, you guys were always there for me! (Sorry if I missed anyone out, my brain is being mean to me)

Whelp, that's the end of this art book!

Thanks so much everyone, I love you all, and I hope to see you in my next one!!

Until then
~Kit :3

2018 Winged Kitten Art vol. 2 - Summer DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now