One: The Good Life

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The streets lay baron as Danny Cross marched towards her home, shopping in hand. Said streets were usually packed to the brim with people now but there seemed to be a lack of citizens. Danny gathered that something villain related had happened downtown.

This city loved Villains but if love was the word used to describe the city's relation with Villains then words akin to Obsession or Infatuation describe the civilians take on Heroes.Heroes.Danny's job was to hate them but yet, she couldn't bring her self to do so. They are loved by all; perfect individuals who were completely devoted to the city and its citizens. They got the love they deserved from everyone but Villains. They lived the Good Life™️.

That was Danny's goal.

Approaching her door and inserting her key, albeit missing a few time, Danny entered the home. It was a small two bedroom apartment, big enough for her, her roommate Lucas and his girlfriend Erein. Not a bad house by any means but... not the Good Life.She slid off her ever-present orange winter jacket and hung it from the pegs by the door. The pegs only had a few jackets and hoodies as Erein didn't tend to go outside and if she did, she wore the two other occupant's coats.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Danny paused before continuing, " The front room lights are off so you're either not home or snoggin' in the kitchen!"A loud crash came from the kitchen and the turning on of all the lights followed. Muted whispers echoed through the empty corridor, " I thought you said she wasn't gonna be home till five?"" Lulu, I see 7 possible outcomes for every single thing that happens. I never said it was a guarantee!"A familiar tall figure emerged from the door at the end of the hall, accompanied by an even taller familiar figure. Erein and Lucas."Hey, uh, so... What did you, uh, buy?" Lucas forced the question into the room, he hated it when someone caught him within 5 feet of any human being. He had a reputation to uphold.Danny deadpanned and her face began to redden, " Can it, lover boy. You know the rules. You two can do whatever you like in this house but you know you are not allowed to do any gross relationship stuff in the kitchen! You know it's my safe haven!"Teeth clenched, Danny began to melt. That was her "Condition".

Over the past century, people with strange genetic mutations began to crop up, some more obvious than others and some more useful. These mutations could be passed down from parent to child, sometimes the parent would past down their exact mutations. Yet, the majority of the time, the child's mutation would be an of a similar theme to the parents.Danny's family, the Cross family, are known for liquid-based abnormalities. While her dad was a regular guy, her mum had the ability to absorb any liquid. No one in her family put their powers to use so Danny felt obliged to do so.She had the ability to completely melt into a green sentient puddle-like being. Sometimes this was intentional but in most cases, it wasn't. Danny was hyperactive and theatrical and if she wasn't putting on some kind of show by overreacting, she was trying to egg emotions out of others. Unfortunately for her, her condition seemed to react to intense emotions. Danny was a jealous person, even more so when relationships and love were on the table, her jealousy skyrocketed.The heightened jealousy activated her mutation and that brought her to where she was now.

" Danny, you need to sit down dude," Erein put forward but Danny wasn't having it. She pushed passed the pair, trudging towards her bedroom, the only place off limits to the couple. The pair had noticed Danny getting shorter as she stomped past them. Then they had noticed the stomps had become a combination and sizzling and sloshing. Looking away from each other and towards Danny, they found her to be nowhere in sight. Strange, she hadn't opened the door, was a thought shared between the two.

" Fuck," that was Danny... but where was she? "Guys, don't get me wrong, I'm still pissed at you but, erm, could you please open my door?" Erein's eyes trailed down and widened as she snickered, smacking Lucas' arm to get his attention. She pointed down to this sizzling puddle on the floor with only a head emerged.Danny had melted before she had reached her room

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