Two: Pineapple Pizza

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The couple resumed their date night. Although it was hardly a date night as they lived together anyway and it played out the same way every night did. They concluded the date by ordering pizza. Pizza was a special treat in the house as they couldn't put enough money together for it. But luckily for the housemates, the demand for freelance villains had increased. More jobs meant more money and more money meant more pizzaIt had taken the pizza almost an hour to arrive and by that time Danny had most likely calmed down. Erein and Lucas had no way to confirm this until they brought the pizza in as, you see, Danny had one weakness. One sweet, controversial weakness. Pineapple pizza, the smell of it alone was enough to drag her out of her room after a melt and it did exactly that."You better not be wasting our food budget on pizza, Lover Boy!" a shout came from down the hall. It loud enough for the apartment to hear but too quiet for the neighbors to discover their money crisis."No no, dearie! Double the jobs, double the money!" Lucas was the one to answer as Erein had wasted no time stuffing her mouth with pizza. The sound of hushed footsteps down towards the living room. " Please tell me you got the stuff or I may burn a hole in the floor." Danny's small figure stood at the corner of the living room, hands out for the monstrosity. Lucas shook his head and raised his index finger. " No, I'm not waiting for my fucking pizza, Lucas." " It's about a job, child," Erein chimed in, mouth no longer full. " Ok but I'm pretty sure it can wait till after pizza? I haven't had pizza in three months, guys!" The two continued to bicker as Lucas' eyes bounced between them as if he were watching a tennis match. After about a minute, he sighed, " The contractor's paying us £750 to rob a bank and if we succeed we get to keep the money." The interruption brought both of the girl's attention to him but the only one in shock was Danny. "Holy shit! They don't want the money? But? Are they so certain we'll fail?" " No clue," Lucas continued, " they want to meet behind a Costa that's one block away to discuss details." Danny raised an eyebrow and carried on her questioning," Wait... a Costa? ? The B-Tech Starbucks?" " Yeah, B-Tech Starbucks. They're expecting us in an hour so you'd better hurry up with your devil pizza. We know how long it takes you to change." The trio spoke no more as they ate the pizza in silence. They'd opted to eat the pizza with the TV off because Danny would spend too much time watching the TV and not eating.It had only taken Danny 10 minutes to eat her pizza. It would've taken her longer had she not needed to change into her 'Mission Clothes'. The mission clothes were tight, made of leather and latex and uncomfortable. Luckily for the young adult, she wouldn't be in them for long. The ensemble consisted of a thick leather jacket and latex leggings that folded half way up her calf. Underneath the jacket sat a grey crop top. It wasn't the most fashionable but useful when it came to regulating temperature.Lucas was right when he said it took Danny far too long to get changed. When Danny came back, the look on Lucas' face told her that he'd been waiting long enough The ginger lad sat on the coffee table, legs crossed. His 'Mission Clothes' consisted of a matching leather jacket and a pair of loose black jeans. Unlike Danny, he didn't need flexible clothing as he was the Tech Man. His ability allowed him to tap into any form of technology, quite useful for their line of work." Finally putting that thing to work, huh?" Danny gestured to his eyes where, instead of his usual glasses, a screen-like visor sat. The screens display resembled that of eyes, an emerald green like those of the guy who wore it. " Yeah," he glanced up, fingers still typing away on his phone, " Contractor says they're there. Twenty minutes early, cheeky bugger." " Well, leave now," Erein poked her head out of the kitchen. " What does your fancy vision say about tonight, babe?" Lucas' eyes were still glued to his screen. " Hmm... Avoid going into Vault Two and make sure Danny doesn't try to fit inside a flask again. That's all I can say, Lulu" Danny grimaced at the cute nickname, "Lucas, can we please leave now?" She didn't wait for an answer before she walked to the door and grabbed a balaclava from one of the pegs by the door. It wasn't anything special a plain black piece of fabric. Danny caught a glimpse of Erein trying to bribe Lucas into letting her come along with kisses. They both wished Erein could join them but her premonitions would bring her out of combat. After a few minutes later, Lucas managed to pry Erein off of him and they left at a steady pace.As the pair walked down the street, the young woman noticed that there were more people out now than before. Whatever happened downtown must've stopped awhile ago. People on the streets were still rambling about it. "Did you see that hero earlier?" "The hero? No way man! That villain was smoking hot." "Kennith said the Cat Burglar on patrol in this area! She's so cool!" " Bro, that evil dude today didn't stand a chance! Not against that cat lady!" The voices grew irksome but the chatter kept their glances off of the approaching duo. " Lucas," Danny reached up to grab his shoulder," please, now I mean it, please invest in a car! I know you can drive!" Lucas didn't reply but his chuckle meant acknowledgement. Lucas' pulled up his hood, thwarting all future conversations. Despite this, Danny continued to talk about how crap she thought Shrek 3 was.It didn't take them long to find the Costa, it was only a ten minute walk away from their apartment. Thank god the contractor was considerate. Slipping behind the shop wasn't difficult either. The amount of people on the streets seemed to decrease the closer they got to their destination. By the time they got there, the only people on the streets were Dahlia and Richard. They were the neighborhoods resident addictsTurning behind the coffee shop, they noted no one was there. " Great, a scam. Thanks, jackass," Danny bit out, hoisting herself onto one of the bins to sit on. " Oh no, sweetie!" A voice declared from the roof of the B-Tech Starbucks," Your contractor only has a flare for the dramatics." The voice somehow managed to be androgynous. despite it belonging to a woman a few years A shadowy figure jumped from the roof and landed in front of the pair. " I take it you're our contractor then?" Lucas cold voice cut through the thick atmosphere. " That depends. Are you two Blackout and Scorch? I must say, I was expecting more than a ginger kid and his child sidekick." The figure stepped closer, revealing a tall woman, Danny guessed that she was around 5'9. She wore a mask that covered her whole face and had black mesh covering her eyes. From the rest of her, they could gather that she had cool, dark skin and was most likely in her late twenties. Behind the mask sat a disheveled head of dyed red hair with brown patches through it. It looked as though it wasn't dyed recently nor had a professional done it. The birds nest this woman called hair curled passed the nape of her neck and looked soft to the touch. Like a cloud, a very fluffy red cloud. The contractor offered her hand to shake and it was only then that the duo realised who it was. "Oh, holy shit! You're the Cat Burglar! I've got so many questions. Well, OK I've only got about 6 but sti-" " Why have you hired us?" Lucas cut Danny off mid-ramble, "How do we know you aren't gonna turn us in now?" If the hero had any intention to sell them out, her speech didn't portray it, " Oh, you guys must be master sleuths. What gave it away? My radical, muscular arms? My gorgeous soft hair?" Danny was in awe, why would a hero that was so popular among the people need hire some low rank villains like them, " No. Your claws." " Ye, that's a big giveaway , huh?" " Cut the shit. Why do you want us robbing the bank, huh?" Lucas snapped, he wasn't one to take on a risky mission, even if he wasn't the one doing the dirty work.The Cat Burglar sighed," Well, you're what? Rank D Villains, I'd say? Ye that seems about right. And me? I , despite how cool and popular I am, am only a Rank C hero! Unbelievable right? So, me, myself, and I came up with this cool plan that benefits all three of us! From now on, I can pay you guys around £900 per mission. We'll stage break ins, robberies, etc," she paused and looked between the two of them. She continued, her eyes now attached on Danny, " So, we got a deal?"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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