Chapter 3

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(A/N: It's in Heather's POV, hence why she's calling Hiccup Baldur)

Baldur left at first light the next morning with Heather to scout. She had been a part of the tribe far longer he had and knew what was best for their people. Windshear had grown immensely since the battle and Toothless' wing had long since healed. And off they flew. As they approached Berk, Heather suggested landing on the island for the night and to ask the Chief for suggestions but quickly stopped when she saw the look on Baldur's face. He was kind of cute, Baldur, in a scrawny sort of way. He had light green eyes, brown hair that hit just above his shoulders (she personally thought he needed it cut, or so help her Thor) and tiny hairs sprouting from his chin. But this island must hold bad memories for him. Perhaps he visited here while traveling and these people didn't favor dragons. Maybe it held memories from his past that he didn't want to bring up. Or maybe, just maybe, he had a sweetheart that lived there. 

Gods, Heather hoped not. She saw the distress on Baldur's face when he looked to her and her friends and saw them all whispering. But Valgard had made it clear to everyone that whoever Baldur used to be or even if his name wasn't Baldur, wasn't important. He had made Baldur his heir and made a parade of showing him off to foreign chiefs and visitors.  He was the pride of Gnoq Cay, Valgard said. "All of the archipelago will look up to him. He is my son." Baldur had beamed with these words. But when Stoick the Vast came by, looking for his son, Baldur was nowhere to be found. Sven said that he fled on Toothless the second he heard that Stoick was coming. 

Around noon 4 days later, they approached the perfect island. It had plenty of room for all of their people, lots of resources and a defendable sightline. It was perfect. And there was no one to fight for it.  

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