Chapter Two

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"I know, I know." I rambled on the phone to manager. "Just get me another room." I sped down the hallway towards the elevator. "Okay." I turned into the room where they were at and jammed the button about five or six times. "I'm about to get all of my stuff right now." The elevator doors opened, and I rushed inside knocking into someone. "I don't know. No, I don't think so I'm pretty sure he's still talking to the other hosts." I jabbed the third floor button a few times. "Why?" I asked as I pressed the close door button. "Don't worry about why I just need my own room." The doors closed and the elevator was sent into motion. "Whatever." The elevator stopped at the second floor and a few others got in. "No, I don't care that Tom is the only one in this hotel with a private suite I'm Shawn Mendes I can have one too if I need it." A girl shrieked. Oh no, not this. 

"Can I have your autograph?" The screaming girls asked me. I nodded and took the sharpie they were holding out. "Can you sign my chest?" 

"Definitely not," I told them. "What? No, not you I'm talking to some girls." I told my manager who wanted to know why I definitely did not want the VIP suite on the top floor. "Yes please get that for me." 

"Please? It would look so cute in an instagram picture!" They urged. 

"Fine," I said and leaned in to sign her chest. 'Shawn Mendes XOXO.' She better get some likes for that one. "What? No not you Tina I'm talking to the girls again. It isn't fine for me to just stay with Cameron," I continued as I signed the other girls chest. 

"Thanks! We love you Shawn!" They said as they I got off on the third floor. Wait a second, I know those girls, I think I follow them. They both have like 100k followers or something like that. I think one of them models for sports illustrated. I put my hand over the speaker on the phone. 

"314, come by later." Your welcome Cameron. "Yeah okay," I walked with a purpose down the halway. 302, 304, gotta keep going this way. "I'm almost to my room I'll call you when I get all my stuff." 310, 312, it's the almost there. "Should I bring it to the lobby or the top floor?" I asked. My manager Tina told me to just pack it and wait for her to give me a call. "Thanks so much." I hung up the phone. I came to an abrupt stop. This is it, 314. I didn't hesitate to go in. It shouldn't matter because he's meeting with the manager anyways. I looked around the room and saw that it was a really nice, double queen bed room with a giant TV and a nice chandelier. There were mirrored ceilings, and marble floors. Two of my favorite things. I rummaged through my bags trying to get everything in order. If I can get all my stuff up and out before he gets back I won't have to even talk to- 

"Shawn!" Fucking shit. I turned around to see Cameron coming out of the bathroom. How the hell did he get here so quickly?  I could tell he hadn't been here for long, because he still had his armani suit on. 

"Cameron! Long time no see, how you been?" I tried to make conversation. Fuck my life, now I'm going to need an excuse for why I have to leave. 

"Not to shabby. I've just been doing some work for Gucci and Armani lately. I've had a few comedy gigs. I just take the opportunities that come my way." Managers need me? I have to go to the bathroom? My pet cat that I brought with me all the way from California is dying and needs my attention? "But what about you! Your like a huge star now, that must feel nice yeah?"

"It does indeed." There was a pause. "Listen Cameron, I'm gonna have to-" my phone started ringing. "Take this call. Immediately." I said, and turned away and dashed into the hallway. "Hello?" I said, trying to walk as far down the hall as I could so Cameron wouldn't hear anything I was saying. "What do you mean the room got taken?" This cannot be happening. "Quavo got the room? Why is he even in Nashville?" Dammit Quavo. "Whatever it doesn't matter just keep looking." I hung up the phone and walked back towards the room. Rappers these days man. They get everything they want. I opened the door and came back in. "Sorry about that, it was just my manager calling." 

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