Chapter Four

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Ding a ling a ling. Ding a ling a ling. Ding a ling a ling. Ahhh. Nothing like the refreshing sound of the iPhone's classic alarm going off at six in the morning. I calmly opened my eyes and saw the clock opposite of my bed. Ugh. I was so tired, and frankly a little hung over. I shut my eyes again to rest. I can't believe a set my phone alarm for 6 am. I mean, what the hell?  I didn't have to be up until like eight or nine to get ready for work considering I wasn't even on today. I know Cameron has to be up by six though. Wait. CAMERON... 

My eyes shot wide open as I felt him nestle around in the bed next to me. Holy. shit. Okay think Shawn. Luke Bryan, bars, Taylor got drunk, I took her back to her room, I came back, the models got on Cameron, we watched a movie... Shit that's right! We watched a movie and he must have just fallen asleep. That's all that happened. I mean, obviously nothing would have ever happened but I was just so confused as to why he was in my bed. 

Cameron groaned. He clearly was not a morning person. He grabbed his iPhone from the night stand and put it on snooze. I know his snooze is only set to 3 minutes, because I heard it go off twice yesterday morning and I was only really pissed for about three minutes. He put the phone back on the table and put his arm back around me. Wait, what? I think he fell asleep with his arm around me. I felt him move his legs just a bit. Oh my God my leg was tangled up with his. I must have gotten a little too cozy with him in my sleep because by the way that they were both positioned I could tell it was me that did it. He's going to think I'm crazy. My heart was pounding. There has got to be some way I can get out of this. I think I'm just going to pretend I'm asleep, and act like I had no idea what happened later today. I'll just say I was pretty drunk or something and act like I can't remember what happened last night. 

Actually, I don't even think it's that big of a deal. I think we honestly were both just really tired last night, and got comfortable while watching a movie. I mean I passed out drunk, and Cameron was probably just exhausted from whatever he did with those models. God I hate those models. I just get weird vibes from them man. My head was still resting on Cameron's shoulder. He rubbed his chin on my head getting in a more comfortable position. I don't blame him. If I had to be up at 6 every morning, I would want to make the most of my three minute snooze too. 

Lying here all intertwined with him actually felt really nice. I know that sounds super gay, but honestly I don't mean it like that at all. It just feels nice to be all cuddled up with someone. And plus I'm in for a hung over morning, so it's nice to just snuggle for a while. I'm still going to deny any of this ever happened should ANYONE (including Cam) ever bring it up. I think tonight I'll go find myself some models of my own to keep me company so I don't have to wake up to the sweet smell of Cameron's caloughne. Not that it's bothering me, he just puts a shit ton of it on. I think it might be in his contract to smell like a God at all times. He always smells fantastic when I'm around him. 

The alarm went off again, and Cam made a displeased sound. He slowly slipped his arm away from me and shut off the alarm. He quietly slid out from my grasp, and did so in a peaceful manner so he wouldn't wake me up. How considerate of him. I lied there as stationary as possible, so my "I don't know" story will still work later. I heard him head into the bathroom and turn on the shower.I quietly laid in bed as i listened to the sound of him going through his morning routine. I heard him begin to undress, and the sound of his pants hitting the floor echoed through my eardrums. Images from him taking off his pants last night entered my mind. I mean really Cameron, would it kill you to close the door? 

About thirty minutes later, Cameron was all done up in Gucci and ready to get to the event. He had been extremely quiet the whole morning, so that I could rest. He really was turning into a fantastic roomate. He left out the door, and I heard the door come to a gentle close. I was all alone. I almost wished he would have gone into work later so I could have stayed with him just a minute longer. But that's crazy talk. But either way, I was tired, so I decided to try and get a few more hours of sleep before I had to go into work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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