The Night

257 19 3

Tykera P.O.V

Ok so Me and Lexi we were in the car with Rihanna and her crew going too the hotel....... You see..i'm not so sure about all this....I mean, she's a celebrity! And she just took us in like that.. but I'm only doing this for Lexi because I love her.

*Skipping Car Ride*

We got out the car and we step foot upon he biggest hotel I ever seen in my life!!!

"That is a big hotel, Rihanna !" Alexes said looking up.

"Yeah..." I agreed. Then my eyes spotted the most weirdest doors I ever seen.

"Why do those doors go around.. and around like that?" I asked Melissa.

She said, " those are called revolving doors... They allow a lot of people to go in and out at a time."

"Cool.." I said amazed.

Alexes ran past me,


"Alexes stop running before you-!"

"Let her, Ty." Rihanna said calming me down.

She got in just in time in one of the doors and she was walking around in the direction the door is going and she got in the hotel safely .

When we arrived at the hotel room...we were kinda of shy because we didn't know to sleep on the floor or the couch. There were two beds. Then Rihanna said holding up two room cards.

"You guys can have those beds yourselves .. we have our own room."

And as soon as she said that Alexes ran to the bed and start jumping on it.


" IM NOT GONNA FALL" she snapped back still jumping.

And as soon as she said that she fell!I'm not gonna lie it was funny so we all was laughing at her then Rihanna said,

"Are you ok babygirl?"

"No.... I'm hurt." she said softly. Then smirked at me.

And I thought too myself did this nigga just lie?

So Rihanna went over there and picked her up and cuddled with her and I just looked at her with my narrowed my eyes and she stuck her tongue out, so I walked over there and pulled her down from Rihanna's arms.

"AYE WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU" Alexes yelled.

"HMMMMM... LETS SEE..... " I said sarcastically and stepping my foot," oh that's right....YOU LIED DUMMY!"

"IM NOT A DUMMY DUMBASS!" she snapped back.

So I pushed her in the ground .

"OWWW!!!!!" She said as she fell to the ground.

So she got up and pushed me and I fell HARD! I grabbed her by her leg and pulled so she could fall again.

"AYE, AYE, AYE !!BOTH OF Y'ALL CUT IT OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!" Rihanna said as she pulled both of us up. Then she said,


Yall...Alexes hates yelling, so she covered up her ears and closed her eyes tightly and and hugged me tightly and she whispered ,

"Why is she yelling....... I-I-don't like it"

"I know.. I know... it's okay she didn't mean to..."I said comforting her.

"Babygirl? What's wrong?" Rihanna said as she walked over to us

"Ummmm... Alexes doesn't like yelling at all because that's the last and first thing her mom done before the crash" I said hugging Alexes tighter.

" I'm sorry" She said and Alexes let go of me.

"It's okay!" she said. Rihanna hugged her.

Now look I don't like people/ strangers hugging or talking or anything to Alexes ... To be honest. I'm older and over protective over her. She is like my world and my little sister and I wouldn't let anything hurt her. Sure we have our ups and downs but I will still love her.

Rihanna clapped her hands and said,

"Okay, now we need to set some rules...

Rule #1: No cursing

Rule #2: no fighting

Rule #3: no yelling and arguing

Rule #4: no talking back

Rule #5: Do not do anything you ain't suppose to do

Rule #6: No lying

Those are the rules...if you disobey them your getting a clapback"

After she said those rules Alexes looked at her like "Bish Whet?" I was wondering what a clapback was.

"Uh what's a clapback ..?" I asked.

"It's a large slap on your booty!" Rihanna said,

"Now go take a shower Alexes."

"Ummm I don't have a change of clothes..."Alexes said looking down.

"Ummmmm...... here" rihanna said as she handed Alexes a big shirt and her shorts from her clothing line.

"Thank you!!" Alexes said.

So Alexes went to take a shower and all me and rih heard was


So Rih gave me same thing she gave Alexes so when Alexes was done she came out and sat on the floor.I went in the bathroom and took a shower. I'm not gonna lie it felt so good ...

After my shower I came in the room and sat by Alexes because she was in the room watching some show with a talking yellow sponge, but it looked funny so I sat by her and watched it with her.

"Lexi what are you watching?"I asked.

"Some show called SpongeBob" she answered.

"Awe.."I said.

Then Alexes yawned and rubbed her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Lexi come on let's go get some sleep" I said rubbing her back.

"Okay.."she said and we both got up and turned the TV off and got in our beds and laid down.

"This bed feels so good" I said pulling the covers up.

"Yass it does" Lexi said.

Then rih came in from the other room and told good night and she loves us and we're going to the mall in the morning and cuts the lights off and closed the door... and Alexes and I fell asleep.

-This was one good night

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