Chapter Twenty-five

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"What did Reed want to talk to you about?" Jade asks when we are in the car and heading to my house.

"He wanted to apologise for laughing after I fell in the pool last week," I tell her, keeping Reed's other motive a secret. If he doesn't want Jade to know then I will not tell her.

"Is that all, it seemed like there was more than that," Jade says.

"That was all, Jade," I tell her. I hate lying to Jade she has always been able to tell when I am lying.

"Your lying," She says proving how well she knows me. "But it must be important if you are lying so I'll let it go. For now."

"Thank you," I say breathing a sigh of relief.

I don't understand why it is so important to Reed that Jade doesn't find out about this girl but that is his business and not mine. If he wanted me to know he would have told me.

"Now back to the wear Reed's jersey on Thursday," Jade says changing the subject back to an earlier issue. She said we would talk about again later. Sometimes I wish she wasn't so determined but that makes Jade who she is. "I know you don't think this is a big deal, but it is."

"I'll believe you it's a tremendous deal, but I don't know if he likes me or not. We've only known each other for a week," I remind Jade, not bothering to get out of the conversation because if I do this will come back to haunt me later.

"Sometimes it only takes a little while to know if you like someone," Jade tells me with a smile. "We became friends."

"True," I reply remembering how we became friends when Jade asked if I would share my cupcake with her because it looked delicious. She was always someone who gave her opinion and was never shy about anything. "But that was also different. That was a friendship between two adolescent girls."

"As you said true, but sometimes it's easy for people to know they like someone," Jade tells me, confident in what she is saying. "But that isn't what I wanted talk to you about. Only time will tell with that one. What I want talk to about is what you will wear with his jersey."

"I don't know, when he gave me the jersey it looked like a dress on me," I tell Jade, unsure. "A pair of jeans and a belt. It will be heaps long though so I'm thinking I will put the belt over the shirt and bunch the shirt around my hips with the belt."

"That doesn't sound too bad but what about Friday?" Jade asks as she pulls into my driveway.

"Jeans and the same way. I'm limited in the ways I can wear this, Jade," I explain, grabbing my bag from the backseat of the car.

"Do you want help to find something?" Jade asks, climbing out after me. "Maybe you have a nice skirt that would go with the jersey."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt," I tell her with a nod.

Half an hour later Jade is sitting on my bedroom floor leaning against my bed while I'm looking at the only skirt I own. A simple grey knee-length A-line skirt that would go with the blue and gold of Reed's football jersey.

"That might work," I say looking at the skirt considering.

"Go try it on," Jade says with a smile.

I grab the jersey from where I hung it up when I got home and go into the bathroom. Once I have the skirt on, I slip the jersey on and take a deep breath before looking at myself in the mirror. The jersey is folded over at the hips, so it isn't hanging down to my knees, but I'm shocked at how much I enjoy wearing the jersey. Not just any football jersey but Reed's football jersey in particular. I feel special he wants me to wear his jersey; he could have picked anyone, but he picked me. I may not have admitted this to Jade earlier but I have a small crush on Reed; I'm just too scared to admit it to anyone.

"Are you coming out?" Jade calls from outside the bathroom with a knock. "It can't be that bad."

"I'm coming," I tell her and head out to show her how the outfit looks.

"Oh my gosh, Aphrodite," Jade says with a gasp. "You look amazing."

"I like it," I reply with a smile spreading across my face. "It is great."

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