FiRsT dAy GeT r3kT

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    "Sit down, you emo cunts," demanded Ms.hakyourson. "Today we're learning about what makes an emo and the mystical, fucking perfect, Brandon Uray," she said overly excited for this class. "Tis' very important that you understand the significance of his existence,"

"S'cuse me," some preppy jock in the back of the class chimed in.

"could you please leave," said the teacher in the front of the room. The preppy jock piece of trash just sat there completely confuzzled. "GOSH you little trash it's an emo meme if you don't understand then you might as well go ahead and fail this class and nOt gRaDuAtE," he just sat there in silence for a few seconds before chiming in again.

"I was just gonna ask what the point of this class is," that preppy piece of trash said.

"gEt OuT nOw"


"IF YOURE QUESTIONING THINGS THEN JUST LEAVE BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY DONT CARE ENOUGH TO BE IN HERE" the trash left the room because he wasn't worthy enough to be in such an amazing class. The teacher instantly calmed down and continued what she was talking about.

"OKAY SO BRENDON URIE" she started, "also known as Beebo, he is the lead singer of the fantabulous PANIC!" Everyone else in the classroom was very interested because obviously Beebo is a fabulous person and they were excited to hear about him.

"He's prolly gay but thats why we love him and he is the mate of the equally fabulous RYAN ROSS. I could go on a whole rant about him but that's for another day sadly."

"Can someone tell me their ship name?" The tEaCheR aSkEd tHe cLaSs

"Ryden," a girl chimed in from the back of the class.

"eXaCtLy," She said excitedly, "now the milk fic is a ryden fanfic and it is a wonderful well written piece of literature and it's a classic," "Well our time is almost up children your assignment for tonight is to read the milk fic and come to school looking for emo tomorrow I'm sick of all these colors. SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW CHILDREN OOF," she said right before the bell rang and the teenagers shuffled out of the classroom.

A.N. This is a literal piece of trash my friend wrote like the first half this was a joke but I'll probably keep doing it cuz it's stupid and fun and I don't care that I'm terrible at writing so yeah goodnight

I'm gonna keep talking so this has 420 words

3 words left



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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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