Chapter 774 The Dragons

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After Cheng Yang stabilized the situation in Italy, Cheng Yang left from there. Although Italy and two other countries, China, are still in the hands of the Hells, this does not require Cheng Yang to worry about it because he has already dispatched Tan to come over and specializes in the assassination of the Van Gogh country.

Tan Chao had already itched his assassination. However, because he wanted to inquire into the movement of the orcs in Australia, he has never dared to act rashly.

However, during this time, Tan Chao led his menacing camp and he has already made clear the facts of the orcs of Australia.

The Orcs of Australia are indeed powerful. Among them, there are more than a thousand orcs with more than five ranks. As for the Beastmasters here, although the order is only in the middle of the fifth order, it is a strong player with solid yellow power. In other words, his actual fighting power reached the early sixth stage.

Such a strong leader of the Australian Orcs, can be imagined strong combat effectiveness.

This is not the focus of Tan Chao's investigations. His greatest task is to find out when the orcs of Australia will attack the Southeast Asian region from the sea.

Although there are some speculations about whether or not the Orc attacked South-East Asia is only a high-level leader of the Phoenix City, the possibility of this speculation is extremely great because the Southeast Asian region is the most recent direction for the expansion of the Orc in Australia.

Facts also proved this point. Tan Chao led a dark-soul camp in Australia for half a month. He finally found out relevant information. Orcs in Australia will depart from Sangha, a coastal city in the northern part of Australia, on the 2nd of next month. The army reached the island of New Guinea directly, and the entire sea area was only a few hundred kilometers away.

Although New Guinea is not entirely in the hands of the Orcs, there are also two Orc forces working on it and playing with local humans.

Obviously, if Australian orc enters the island of New Guinea, there will be almost no suspense in the human race.

It is now the end of the calendar on May 27. It is only five days away from the second day of the next month. This is why Cheng Yang immediately returned to the city of Fenghuang.

Of course, there is another reason for this, which is the submarine program of the Psion Institute.

Half a month ago, the Plenary Institute's R&D work on the submarine had come to an end. The most crucial technology plutonium gun also broke through the huge lava gun that Cheng Yang got back. Now the submarine in Fallen City can be more than just a ship that can navigate underwater. More importantly, it also has a very strong combat capability.

However, the study does not mean that it can be manufactured immediately. The power of Lefeng City to dump the entire territory takes more than 10 days. Only three such submarines were built.

In order to commemorate the launch of the submarine designed and manufactured by the Fengfeng City, Cheng Yang gave it a resounding name, The Dragon.

The first batch of dragons produced by the first batch of natural dragons is of type 1. As for the future, there will be no dragon type 2 and it is still unknown. Need to see the use of dragon type 1 to determine.

The dragon is not defined as a submarine because it is out of the category of the boat. It is a super warship. Therefore, in the Feng Yuncheng division of battleships, it was called a deep-sea battleship.

Each dragon is more than 400 meters long and has 16 large-scale psionic guns in all directions.

This giant psionic cannon is also the place where the entire battleship consumes the most resources. Whether it is the materials needed to outline the magic array or the metal used to cast the barrel, all are very expensive.

It is estimated by the world that Fengfeng City has the ability to gather enough resources to cast such a giant cannon. Change is other forces, even if there is almost. It can only be hopeful that this giant cannon is definitely a luxury.

The psionic giant cannon is not only expensive to build, but also very expensive to use. It can at least consume more than a dozen blocks of level 4 psionic stone. If it is used at full power, it will require hundreds of 4 levels. Psionic stone.

This is also the result of the genius transformation in the Institute of Psychology. After all, according to the previous design, psionic cannons can only use one psionic stone at a time to recharge, and it is even more necessary to erupt. You must use a higher level of psionic stone, such as a five-level psionic stone.

However, after the improvement, the psionic giant can use multiple psionic stones to charge at the same time, which undoubtedly solves one of the biggest problems. Because now Fengfeng City does not lack four psionic stone, only five psionic stone.

Of course, the power of psionic cannons is also worthy of its enormous consumption, and even if only ten blocks of psionic stone can be used, they can instantly kill the existence of the fifth-order mid-range. This so-called bombing is not a single-on-one bombing, but within the power range. All targets below the mid-term level will be spiked.

If it is to use hundreds of fourth-order plenoptic stones, that might shock the world, and what level it can achieve, Cheng Yang is still not clear, because there is not yet enough powerful presence to test the power of this shell.

Cheng Yang returned to Fengfeng City, the first time will fall Fengcheng Li Wanshan and others to summon over.

Wu Jianzhou was the first to arrive. When he came in, he smiled and asked: "Lord, what's the big move this time?"

Cheng Yang said: "Is there a big move if I ask you to come over?"

Wu Jianzhou laughs without The language, that expression clearly recognized what Cheng Yang said.

Cheng Yang opened his mouth and said: ".. Well, indeed there is a new action before Tan Chao has to inquire into relevant news, I am prepared to recently began operations, by the way let the dragon out to sea to try the power of"

Cheng Yang, then just After that, someone outside rushed in. It was Tao Yu who saw his face worried and said: "The Lord, it does not seem that he has to wait for the Dragon to travel to Australia to test the power. Then there is a battle to fight. "

Cheng Yang and Wu Jianzhou all had a glimpse and asked quickly:" What's going on?"

Tao Yu said: "It is like this. We just got news that the sea people in the southeastern seas are assembling. It is the latest at this time. , they will launch attacks. Their goal is very clear, that is,

Xiangyang City. And judging from the scale, this time the other party will definitely not be a slapstick." Cheng Yang suddenly depressed, said: "These guys are now also out to make trouble, really when we fall Fengcheng mess ah "?

Tao Yu smile:." Perhaps it is because they feel that we fall Fengcheng trifled with, so it launched a full attack if I did not . Mistaken, those should be the sea family got the news about the deep sea dragon ships, so the other side now sit still, "

Cheng Yang suddenly curious and asked:" Yu Tao, those sea-family gathered in the sea, you are How did you get the news?"

Tao Yu said, "The Plenum Research Institute did not study the Nuolong, and the Nuolong was a major project. During the process of studying the Nuolong, the Lingneng Institute also produced many ancillary products. One is a sea cruiser yacht that can move quickly in the deep sea and can disguise its color on the seabed.As long as it is still, no one can judge it as a ship.Of course, this cruising yacht also has Weaknesses, the first is the inability to attack, the second head is very small, can only accommodate one person. But for investigation, but it is more suitable."

"This is indeed a good thing." Cheng Yang is very interested but this time is not fine to ask the time, immediately he said:. "Now that the sea family at this time to come out, then we give each other a good surprise,"

Tao Yu Wu Jianzhou looked at him. Then Tao Yu said: "The Lord, I am afraid these sea people are not so good. We have only three deep-sea warships. We have to deal with almost endless sea races. Others, the mere consumption of the psionic stone is an astronomical figure."

Cheng Yang frowned. He really did not consider this issue. Although the strength of the three Xiaolong deep-sea battleships was huge, the consumption was not really affordable. , especially the super-large-scale war, if relying on plutonium cannon, enough to let the fallen Phoenix City bankruptcy.

"What are your opinions?" Cheng Yang asked.

Tao Yu thought to say: "Landlord, in my opinion, we can make those sea people attack the city of Xiangyang. After waiting for some time, we can use the pistols to bombard several cannons. The chaos of the other party's army is chaotic. We believe that the Hai nationality will definitely be unstoppable."

Cheng Yang said: "This is a good tactic, but now a part of our apparatus division is stationed in the fortress of Huangquan, part of it. In addition, the prison guards in Italy are still out of the two countries and China, but there are not many people available."

Tao Yu said: "You can be overlord, you are Lord, you can have millions of troops. Besides, do we still have guards in the territories? The recruitment of a group of fourth-order mercenaries, thanks to your lord's bloody aura, is enough to kill those who cry and shout at home."

Tao Yu's analysis, though Somewhat more optimistic, but not without reason, if you can really hire a number of mercenaries to give some help, relying on Cheng Yang's bloody aura, can really burst out of a powerful fighting force, not to mention the arrow tower and the devil Auxiliary tower, short sea family blocking offensive no problem.

"Is it still too wasteful to hire mercenaries? This kind of war has no tens of thousands of fourth-order mercenaries. It is impossible for them to play a role." Cheng Yang is rather tangled.

Wu Jianzhou said: "You don't really need to think about these things, even if you hired these fourth-order mercenaries to fight for a day or two, but you're only spending about 10,000 or more of the 4th level of psionic stone. This is not so much for our territory. Moreover, according to my estimation, there must be a certain number of fifth-order creatures among marine animals under the command of the sea race, and the fifth-order enchanted beast crystal can be obtained after the killing. Strength, but as if there were no problems with the use of Level 5 Psionics. How we count we will not suffer.

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