Bucky Barnes #1 : Shockwave

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Bucky Barnes is a character appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


"LET ME OUT, YOU STUPID ASS FUCKS !" you yelled, throwing yourself against the door.

It didn't move of an inch but the feeling of hitting something had a relieving edge somehow. You began banging on the metallic door with your fists, filling the small and empty room with noise. You continued to scream for the people that had taken you to let you out, but it wasn't of any help.
You punched the door with all your strength and rage, eyes watering as the pain hit you. You cursed under your breath, swallowing your tears.

"Please, don't hurt yourself." said a voice suddenly.

It had come out of nowhere and you immediately took frantic looks around to see where it could have come from. Near the ceiling, in a corner, you could see a small camera and a speaker. You approached it and commanded :

"Let me out, now."
"Not before you've calmed down, I'm sorry." spoke the voice again.

It was obviously a man, and his tone was rather gentle. But right now, you couldn't care less.

"Let me out of here, you have no right !" you growled.
"I can't let you out now, ma'am, I'm sorry."

You felt your blood boil in your veins. They didn't understand. You had to get out. You had to tell her. Tell her you didn't mean to hurt her...
You had never managed to control your powers. They came to life whenever you got scared or upset. [Someone you love] and you had gotten into a fight, you just wanted her to leave you alone, you didn't mean for her to get thrown across the room. The shockwave had been unleashed on her, there was nothing you could have done ! She had hit the wall with a sickening sound. She wouldn't open her eyes. You had called a friend that worked at the hospital. She had told you that everything would be ok, that she would send people to help. Next thing you knew, doctors and a squad of agents had come barging through the front door. And now, here you were.

"Where am I ?" you asked, tightening your fists.
"You are currently in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s quarters. Something happened at your place. [The person you love] was taken to the hospital. We are keeping you here to understand what happened. My name is Steve."
"I don't care about your name !" you said, anger piercing in your voice again. "I want to get out."
"I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for that." Steve answered, apologetic.

This only angered you more than you already were. Your breath quickened, and so did the beating of your heart. You knew what was coming, but this time, you welcomed it with great joy. You turned to face the door and let out a scream of rage as the shockwave left your body. However, much to your surprise, it didn't blast the door open as it had already done in the past. It rebounded against the door and wall, coming right back at you. You didn't have time to jump out of the way, the wave hit you in the chest with a violence you had never experienced before. You were sent flying back in the opposite wall, pain coursing through your entire body.
So that's what it felt, you bitterly thought.

"Are you alright ?" asked the same voice, clearly alarmed.

S.H.I.E.L.D. being a powerful organization with the purpose of dealing with people of your kind, they probably had the material to restrain you. You should have guessed.
As you weren't answering, lying simply on the cold floor of your cell, the man got suddenly worried.

"Are you al-"
"Shut up." you grunted, pushing your Y/H/C hair out of your face.
You sighed, your strengths leaving your body. You suddenly felt really tired. You had sent [The person you love] to the hospital. You had hurt her. You always knew something like that would happen. You had no control over yourself. You were probably more at your place in a cell after all...
Suddenly, echoes of footsteps and voices rang out to your ears.

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