Chapter 1

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Everyone searched for him. The Sadidas looked in the forests, Dragons from the sky, even the Enutrafs pitched in to find him. The young king's kidnapper was nowhere to be found, much less the king himself. But that was all several years ago, now, 9 years later, in a tower, in a pocket dimension....

A small tofu few above a young boy's head. The sleeping boy swatted at the yellow bird and continued to sleep. The tofu landed on his head and chirped in his ear. "Okay Az okay! I'm up." He looked out the window of his room "Sunrise already? Fine. Let's get those chores over with." He got out of bed and headed into the next room. He picked up a broom and began to sweep the floor. He whistled a song as he worked. He had no clue where he'd heard the song before, but it played repeatedly in his mind every day. For an hour he cleaned the rooms on his floor. The main room, and his room. He would've cleaned his father's, but he wasn't allowed in there. There was a staircase down to the lower levels of the tower, he wasn't allowed out of his floor of the tower. Once finished cleaning he went back to his room and read a book

"Yugo!" A voice rang out, as the sound of a closing door echoed through the tower "I'm home!"

Yugo climbed off his bed and walked out into the other room "Good morning Father."

"Good morning Yugo." His father replied, Yugo's father was tall, and always wore a blue cloak and mask. "Did you remember to do your chores?" His father asked placing his satchel on the table

"Yep." Yugo replied

"Did you feed Az?"


"Did you sweep the floor."


"Did you dust?"


"Did you water the plants?"


"Did you start breakfast?"

"Nope. I'll go do that."

"Good boy." His father said patting him on the head

Az flew over to the eliotrope and chirped angrily at him, "Az, calm down!" Yugo said, trying to calm the angry tofu. Az was very protective of Yugo, wouldn't even let his father go near him.

Yugo's father glared at the small bird, 'That stupid bird is going to get me caught.' He thought "Yugo, find a way to calm him down before you start breakfast."

"Okay, C'mon Az." Yugo said grabbing the tofu out of the air and running off to his room.

'That stupid bird. If I didn't let Yugo keep it, it would've gotten one of the Eliatrope kingdom's guards already.' Yugo's father walked over to the door to his room. He entered the room, locking the door behind him. He pulled off his mask. 'Keep it together Oropo.' He thought


Adami sat in his room in the Eliatrope kingdom. He looked out the window. "Where are you Yugo?" He asked himself 'I've never met my own twin.' Adami frowned and walked over to the window. 'I could try to talk to him again...' He looked out on the Eliatrope Kingdom 'Last time I saw a glimpse of where he is... Maybe I'll be able to find him this time.'


Yugo sat in his room reading a book 'Hello?' A voice rang out in his head

"Who's there?" Yugo exclaimed

'I'm Adami. Yugo you need to listen to me. I'm your tw-'

"How do you my name?"

'I'm your twin Yugo. Where are you?'

"M-My twin?"

'Yes. Where are you?'

"In a tower in a pocket dimension..."

'That explains why no one could find you... Who took you there?'

"I've been here my whole life with my father."

'Yugo that man isn't your father, he kidnapped you.'

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