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A week passed and Sophie received no word, nor sign of William. She rose in the morning and slept at night, each waking moment hoping William would appear. In between, she did nothing but wait. Even when she cleaned the house or made a meal, spoke to her mother, or tried to read a book, she was waiting.

"What's wrong?" her mother asked.

She felt heavy inside and numb, but not like before. It was not the paralysis returned, but loneliness that spread through each limb and drew her into the darkness.

"Nothing," Sophie said, gazing at her jar of rose petals. "Don't worry. The illness has not returned. I am truly cured."

"And where is this healer you speak of? Where is William?"

Sophie's insides crumbled like dried mud. "He lives in a grim cabin beside a black lake," she said softly, wondering why no bird nor butterfly had gone to him and told him to come to her.

Her mother blinked in response. "Well," she said, "I think we should get out of the house. Go for a walk, maybe see a show."

"I'm going to work," Sophie said, for she had already decided it was time. The trees needed her, even if William didn't.

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