Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Stella and Jack had made it to lunch just in time. They arrived at a little, but bustling restaurant, located in the basement of a building, the room nearly bursting at the seams with the amount of people crowded in it.

They were greeted at the door by the host, Jack gave him his name, and the young man's demeanor immediately changed, as if Jack were some sort of celebrity.

"Of course, sir, right this way. Mr. Alden is here and waiting for you."

As the two wound their way towards the back of the restaurant, Stella couldn't help but notice multiple pairs of eyes on them. She tried to pay them no mind, but she found herself making eye contact with people, who were unashamed at being caught, and continued to stare. They were mostly looking at Jack, but a few showed interest in her, and the attention, although she was used to it with her job, made her a bit uncomfortable.

"Why is everyone staring," she murmured to Jack, who seemed unphased by the attention.

"Pay them no mind," he replied with a smile, which was directed more towards the staring crowd. "It's not often that they see a Chicago mobster in New York."

It was the first time Stella had heard Jack refer to himself as a mobster in a serious, non-mocking way. It still made her feel uncomfortable, that hadn't changed, but she didn't let it show. She was in New York with Jack, and she wouldn't let her feelings on his career choice spoil the trip. Even if the reason they were in the city in the first place was to escape the detective back home, who was interested in Jack and his career.

The host led them to a table in the back corner, where an older man, with silver hair, and well-dressed, sat, his eyes on the menu in front of him. He held a cigar in between his pointer and middle finger, a glass of an amber colored liquid in his palm of the same hand. At the sight of movement, he placed the menu down, then his drink, and placed the cigar in an ashtray on the table. He stood up, his eyes taking in Jack's appearance briefly, but then immediately turned his attention to Stella, his gaze lingering on her face for an uncomfortable amount of time. His eyes looked her up and down, and he grinned, not in a suggestive way, but more so like he was thrilled to see her.

"You must be the Stella I've heard so much about," he said warmly, as he pushed past Jack, who had been prepared to shake his hand.

Jack simply chuckled, but stepped aside and allowed the man to go and speak to Stella.

"I sure hope there isn't another Stella that Jack's been telling you about," she replied with a grin. She stuck out her hand for him to shake, right as the man acted like he was going to hug her, and the two faltered awkwardly, both of them changing their stance to accommodate the other person.

They both laughed, and the man stuck out his hand for Stella to shake.

"I'm Daniel Alden. I've known Jack here since he was, what, fifteen?"

Jack nodded. "Here I was beginning to think that I was chopped liver," he joked. "It's good to see you again, Daniel."

"No offense, Jack, but you're not much of a looker compared to Stella here. You can't fault me for wanting to give her all my attention," he said with a wink towards Stella.

He motioned towards the table, and the three took their seats.

"Can I get you anything to drink? I can have them bring you out some of your whiskey. You know, for not having a ton of experience in the making of alcohol, you sure know how to make a mean whiskey. It doesn't beat the real thing, but it'll do until they get rid of this absurd law."

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