Episode 11 Double master (English version)

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Kadic, the arcade

With coffee in hand Ulrich, Odd and Aelita were heading to their classrooms. It was a beautiful day at Kadic : The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and everyone seemed to be going for the better. Odd, who had just taken a big breath of air, was not going to say otherwise :

Odd : It's a shame to go in class on such a day !

Aelita winked at him : And no traces of JI-JIM !

Ulrich : Let's say good luck to Yumi and William !

The three friends laughed. On the doorstep, Ms. Kensington, language teacher, greeted them :

Mrs. Kensington : Hurry up, let's take a seat.

Eyes shining, Odd turned to Ulrich :

Odd : Does she just said steak ?!

Ulrich's face looked exasperated as his eyes met Flamme's : She had come back. With a smile, the girl waved her hand. Head in the clouds, Ulrich moved slowly towards her when Sissi got in his way :

Sissi : Hello Ulrich of my heart ! Tell me, I was thinking that you could sit beside me, what do you think ? 

Behind her, Herb folded his arms on his chest :

Herb, frowning : Meh, what about me ?

As obvious, Ulrich shrugged :

Ulrich : Well yes, what about him ?

Turning a smirk, he went to join his place next to Odd. Disappointed, Sissi and Flamme watched him go away. Unpacking his things, Ulrich asked Aelita :

Ulrich : Ah, what do we say about Jeremy ?

On the desk in front of his, Aelita, smiling, turned to him :

Aelita : Oh that, don't worry about him ! 

Factory, Laboratory

The factory was immersed in a flat calm, which was of course, in the exception of the laboratory: Sitting on his seat, Jeremy, his headset in place, had just dialed Mr. Delmas's number. Synthetically recreating his father's voice, Jeremy hoped that the school principal would be completely fooled:

Mr. Delmas : Kadic College, Mr. Delmas on the phone.

/ Jeremy / In a cheerful voice : Mr. Delmas! It's Michel Belpois, I'm glad to have you! I wanted to warn you that I came to take Jeremy early this morning to get him for some medical tests, don't be worry, nothing serious. He will be absent the whole day.

Mr. Delmas : Well, it's pretty sudden, Jeremy didn't tell me you had to pick him up !

/ Jeremy / : Oh, really ? I am so sorry ! You know how young people are at this age, having no memory.

Mr. Delmas : Mh, yes, well, that's fine for me. I will spread the word to his teachers, thank you for having warned me, to very soon Mr. Belpois.

/ Jeremy / : Not, thank to you ! I'm wishing you a good day !

After hanging up, Jeremy breathed a big sigh of relief.

Jeremy : A good thing done, now, let's see this file more closely ! 

Paris, National Museum of Natural History

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