Sleep My Dear

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I'm almost home-- almost. Warm -- food-- home--

I stop in my tracks. The icy air howls and pulls my hair back.

It's nothing. Just go home, before it's too late. Sweet, comfy home. Warm stew. So cold, so icy so-- NOW!

I sprint faster then I've ever before. Somethings watching me. I can feel it. Is it the hooded lady? I swallow muchuss and run as fast as I can. All the hairs on the back of my neck become alert up as the snow blankets me. I close my eyes,

This is all a dream. This is all a dream. THIS IS ALL A DREAM!!

But deep down, I know it's not and can't help but pinch myself. My fingers surface my skin before I could do anything. And I squeal in pain. I stop again and this time I feel an icy breathing on my neck. I turn and realize I was right.

She's here.

Then all I hear is, "sleep, my dear."

*sorry for the short chap, lol I am very busy. SO bye! -shannon


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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