1 |Nice Pole|Fluff

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Keith was laying around the castle. Keith has a growing crush on his 'rival ' Lance McClain. He knew about red and blue ships.

Heronica, a lesbian ship between Veronica Sawyer and Heather Chandler. Tree Bros, Evan Hansen and Connner Murphy from Dear evan Hansen. Keith shipped klance. Yes, he ships himself with lance.

One, er , two people on this ship know. Pidge and Shiro.

Keith also knew that Lance liked allura. ALOT. So, Keith didn't act on his massive crush. Keith wanted lance to be happy.

Keith needed a walk. Keith started walking around the castle and ended up in the same room as lance. Except Lance was dancing on a pole. He was wearing blue spandex and some makeup. Keith blushed massively and prayed lance didn't notice.
"Hey I don't mind an audience." Lance winked
Holy fuck holy fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck that's hella hot pls fuck me.. Keith thought getting reder.

Keith turned around and left because he was sure if he watched he would get a nose bleed.

Keith ran down the hall ignoring the bloody nose and knocked on pidges door.

He would have gone to shiro but shiro was asleep. Shiro snores like a train.

"Pidge. Pidge. Pidge." Keith knocked there times.

"Yes Keith, nice nosebleed. Come on in dude." Pidge let him in. "Why the nose bleed?"

"I saw lance pole dancing." Keith sat down next to Pidge on her bed.

"I swear if you have a boner I will force you to watch it infrount of lance." Pidge grinned evily

"Well I don't so chill."


"HUNKKKKK!" Lance called out disappointed

"Yeah lance?" Hunk grabbed a cookie and sat down

"So I was practicing dancing on the pole, and Keith walked in. I wanted him to watch and stuff and he just rudely walked out!" Lance pouted

"Awww.." hunk hugged lance and lance hugged back.

I mean who doesn't like hunks hugs?

A little while later, pidge came in.

"Lance dont be sad. I was just talking to Keith. Dude ya gave him a nose bleed." Pidge sat down

"What happened? Lance did you hit him?" Hunk asked confused

"No..so I don't know-oh." Lances eyes widened as realization hit him.

"Oh." Hunk laughed

Pidge walked away and came back with Keith.
"Pidge, what are you doing?" Keith asked

Hunk and pidge left while Keith looked confused.

"I gave you a nose bleed huh?" Lance smirked

Keith blushed and stutters.

"Te Amo." Lance pulled Keith into a dip.

Keith mentally said fuck it and kissed lance.

Lance grinned and kissed back.

"Nice pole." Keith broke the kiss

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