2|Percy Jackson AU|Fluff

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Percy Jackson is a modern day series about demigods, Greek mythology, Chiron is the camp leader.

Keith~ Ares
Lance~ Apollo
Shiro~ Tyche
Pidge~ Athena
Hunk~ Hephestus
Allura~ Aphrodite
Coran~ Hephestus

"Awe come on, Shiro! I am not doing that!" Keith said annoyed as he floped on his best friend's bed.

"It will be funnnn!" Shiro declared.

Shiro wanted Keith to come with him to watch Lance, the son of Apollo, shoot in the cabin 7 contest.
Keith knew a contest is not why he was invited but instead of Shiros hopes of a confession.

"I guess I will have to tell Lance my sled about you-" Shiro was cut off as Keith pinned Shiro to the wall with a knife to his neck.

"You will not tell or I swear to the gods that I will put you in the infirmiry for a week." Keith growled

"Fine, whatever. Now please I would like that knife away from my neck please." Shiro grunted

Keith walked away and concealed his knife once more.

"I'll go if you leave me alone about confessing to Lance." Keith grumbled

"YAY! Good luck came in handy once more!" Shiro cheered

"Son of Tyche I swear to the gods, if you keep bragging about that I will make you fight me and Clarisse." Keith pulled the door open.

Anyone in camp could hear from anywhere in camp Chiron announcing the Cabin 7 or the Apollo Cabin Shooting contest in five minutes.

Shiro grinned and pulled Keith to the Archery range. Keith couldn't shoot straight for the life of him. Not Sexually or literally.

In other words: Keith is the gayest gay to ever gay.
and he gots the gay for Lance.
Who happened to be Bisexual.

Keith watched Cabin 7 assemble in rows. Some were sharpening thier arrows or checking thier bow.

Lance not so much. Lance seemed completely confident in everything. Keith liked that.

Lance walked over to the duo of friends.
"Shiro! Keith!" Lance smiled

Keith tried to remain looking and acting calm. "Hey Lance."

"Suprised you showed up." Lance grinned

"Well, I already knew who was gonna win, so I thought 'what's the point?' But shiro made me come anyways." Keith shrugged

"Awe glad you thought I was gonna win." Lance said cheerfully.

"I was talking about Kayla." Keith laughed "I'm kidding."

"Better be mullet, or your gonna have to be dodging arrows." Lance playfully hit Keith's shoulders. "Your lucky the contest is starting now."

Keith tried not to make it obvious that he was staring at Lance's ass all of the time he was walking back.

"Prepare!" Chiron announced

The Apollo kids drew thier bow.

"At the ready!"

They aimed


They fired at the targets.
At the end of the contest lance won by one against Kayla, who was a sliver off.

"Nice job sharp shooter." Keith said blushing walking up to him.

"Thanks." Lances mind seemed to be elsewhere.

"Hey, Lance?" Keith blushed louder.

"Yeah?" Lance met his eyes

"I..I..like you. Like...more than..a friend." Keith said practiclly hyperventilating.

Lances eyes went wide and his eyebrows shot up.

Keith backed up "I'm..I'm sorry!"

Lance grabbed Keith's hand  blushing "Its okay. I like you too."

Keith blushed "You mean it?"

"Yeah of course!" Lance smiled

Keith smiled back "that's good."

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