
32 2 0

The reality is...
You don't know me.
How can you
I'm a digit that makes up 13 million
The reality is...
You'll never notice me.
How can you
You have 5.8 million fans and 24K following
The reality is...
I'll never really be somebody to you.
How can I
You don't know me,
How can you care about me?
About everyone?
The reality is...
I sustain you.
I'm nothing more than dollar signs
The reality is...
I need to stop obsessing over a grown man
But how can I?
How can I stop when he makes me the happiest person in the world.
How can I stop when I know he truly cares.
The reality isn't my reality
I know I am someone to him.
I know I'm appreciated by him.
My reality is...
I am loved,
I am an individual,
I am someone with great importance to him

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