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The pounding at the door caught Teresa by surprise.

She'd been sprawled across her narrow bed, staring up at the ceiling as thoughts shifted through her mind; of Thomas and Minho and Newt and the others, of the flare. . . of the cure. Teresa could barely remember the days when she had woken up without a cure-oriented thought in her head. At one point in her life, she had been free. And within a short space of time, her life had suddenly been reduced to medical tests, long classes, white walls, tiled floors and florescent lights. The only brief glimpses and hints of her previous life - of freedom - were when she was with her friends. Hidden away in some part of the facility with stashed food and laughter on their lips. They had nothing but their companionship and in a certain sense, it was all they needed.

Teresa lifted herself into a sitting position, propping herself up with her arms. She'd learned throughout time only Thomas would knock and wait before entering. Wicked employees barged in without hesitation whether she responded or not.

The door was shoved open. Wicked it was, then.

An unfamiliar woman dressed primly in white with strangely irritating features entered the room and smiled sweetly. Sickeningly sweet. Teresa couldn't explain her automatic distaste for the woman. Maybe it was the demeanor she held, as if she was the most important person in the room. And she clearly was. But Teresa couldn't help but feel a stomach-lurching frustration.

"Hi," Teresa voiced.

"Hello, Teresa. I'm Miss Klide." The woman's voice was nasally and her breathing came in short, weird gasps as if her lungs lacked sufficient oxygen. "Today, you'll have the opportunity to join some Wicked volunteers and assist in conducting some research. A berg will fly you to a specific flare-infested part of the world -" she paused to inhale heavily. "- It will be a very interesting experience, for you and hopefully for us." Another sugary smile.

Teresa stared at the woman, unblinking. She couldn't find appropriate words. She'd waited so long for a chance to escape the cold walls of the Wicked facility. And so suddenly and abruptly, an opportunity had been thrown at her with no information whatsoever. Teresa's first instinct was to call out to Thomas but she internally stopped herself; she had so many questions she wanted to deal with first. Before she could even open her mouth, Miss Klide resumed speaking.

"I'm sure you have many questions. I promise they'll be answered on the berg ride there. Brenda is good company, she will be able to explain far better than I can." Miss Klide straightened her shoulders and sucked in a labored breath, smoothing down the front of her already smooth clothing.

"Brenda?" It was all Teresa could find to say. She felt an intense longing to escape, even if it included doing research. She was glad to be helpful but more importantly, she desired the brush of a cool breeze against her skin. When was the last time she'd felt wind? The sun? Heard anything other than medical beeps and hushed voices? She wanted out of these cold walls, long halls and underlying secrets.

"Yes. I'm sure you'll get along perfectly - she's your age, I believe. Now, come along with me. We'll have to hurry if you'd like to finish our research before the sun sets."

For the first time Teresa could recall, she exited her room with the knowledge she wasn't going to another classroom or small locked room. She was going to view a shred of the world and what it held - its expansive landscape and wildlife. Or what remained of it, anyway.

With a small smile planted firmly on her lips, Teresa felt an emotion she could barely even remember feeling - excitement.

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