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The berg's door slid open and a wave of heat cascaded across Teresa's body. She'd made it through the ride without vomiting but she would be glad to feel solid ground beneath her feet again.

Brenda had already warned her of the scorch – what they called the barren, dry wasteland of a place. The Wicked compound was safe, comfortable enough, and cool. The scorch was the complete opposite in every way and Teresa wasn't accustomed to the heat at all. Even Brenda's warning hadn't quite prepared Teresa for the intense heat radiating off of the sun and shining brightly in her eyes.

Brenda hopped down, the backpack containing the variety of objects thrown across her back. She held two launchers in her arms and in the bright sunlight, Teresa could see streaks of dirt, dust and what resembled dry blood caking her clothing. Throughout the majority of her life, Teresa had been surrounded with primly clothed adults with the exception of her few friends. Brenda was so completely different, so wild and enthralling and intriguing. . .

"You coming?"

Teresa hopped out of the berg to join Brenda, suddenly self-conscious about her own contrasting clothing.

"Here," Brenda extended a launcher towards Teresa. "You put your hand here.. . and the other here. . ." the girl directed Teresa's hands to the right positions before releasing her grasp on the gun. It was surprisingly heavy and bulky in Teresa's arms and almost immediately, she felt uncomfortable. Sure, she was confident she could use it. But it was strange and unfamiliar in contrast to everything she'd handled before.

"Where are the cranks?" Teresa murmured as she slowly turned around, viewing her surroundings. Dry ground, a clear sky, and in the distance, the forms of a city.

"That's where we're headed -" Brenda gestured towards the city, a glow of excitement in her eyes. "It's not as far as it looks. Jorge will be on standby if anything happens."

Teresa allowed a quick smile to grace her features before nodding firmly. She was ready – more ready than she could imagine herself ever being.

+ + + +

The truth was, Teresa was not ready.

Their trek towards the city was far shorter than she'd predicted but even so, sweat quickly formed as she moved forwards, step by step with the sun bearing down on her. As she dared a glimpse at Brenda every now and then, Teresa could see her companion seeming to be walking with ease as if the sun and heat were completely nonexistent. And Brenda was the one with the added weight of the backpack!

"I really need to get fit," Teresa huffed as she rubbed her forehead with a sweaty palm, finding each step harder and harder.

Brenda laughed – a husky, melodious sound. She nudged Teresa with a palm to the small of her back, pushing her forwards. "I promise we're almost there. And then the fun begins."

Without even looking, Teresa could hear the smile in Brenda's voice. Somehow, that little fact seemed to add the sufficient energy to put one foot in front of the other.

Soon enough, the city's structures loomed before them – far different than anything Teresa was used to. Every window had been smashed clean through, glass littering the streets like snow. The sun reflected off of the empty buildings giving the thick air a lonely, solemn feeling.

"What a lovely place." Brenda hummed sarcastically.

"Love to live here one day." Teresa replied softly, in the same tone.

There was a lingering moment of silence before Teresa's curiosity got the best of her. She glanced towards her companion, the sun glowing on Brenda's features, illuminating every beautiful, defined feature. "Where are you from?"

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