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The trip to the berg was admittedly torture. Teresa was rarely annoyed but she'd never heard anyone breathe so noisily as Miss Klide seemed to do as they glided down several long hallways. Each inhale and exhale was like the wooshing of a toilet, for lack of a better analogy. Teresa fought the temptation to cup her hands around her ears, knowing exactly the reaction she'd get. An ever-so-sweet smile. That was all the woman seemed capable of doing. No answers, no conversation, just an every now and then disgustingly sweet smile.

It was no surprise that a breath of relief escaped Teresa's lips as the berg came into sight.

"Ah, here we go, Teresa." Miss Klide gestured towards the large machinery. "I believe Brenda will meet you inside. This is where our paths separate."

Teresa tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, nodding. She gritted her teeth to stop herself from saying something she'd immediately regret. Something along the lines of 'thank the blessed, holy, almighty heavens'.

Knowing there was no point in sticking around Miss Klide and her obnoxious breathing, Teresa gratefully headed towards the berg. Teresa had seen bergs before and learned about them but never had she actually entered one. The aerial vehicle with it's large wings and whirring blades was impressive to say the least. A powerful hum vibrated throughout it's body. Teresa couldn't help but wish she'd learn how to use a berg one day. 

Despite her initial excitement and relief, a tingle of caution crept up Teresa's spine as she advanced across the ramp leading into the berg and entered its depths.

The aircraft was surprisingly less impressive than Teresa had expected. Her gaze roamed across the dimly lighted panorama, slowly adjusting to the lack of light. Suddenly, from out of the dwelling shadows, a girl smoothly surfaced. Immediately, Teresa's gaze snapped towards her. Her quick reaction was understandable - the girl was like a magnet with an aura so wild and convincing, it would be impossible not to notice her. On top of that, she was beautiful. Thick, dark hair fell to her collarbones and she had pronounced lips, a smooth glow to her complexion and a daring light in her soft brown eyes.

"Hey, darling, I'm Brenda." The girl reached Teresa, extending a hand to shake. Her lips curved into a broad grin.

Teresa reached out to shake the girl's hand, her soft palms meeting with the girl's rough, calloused fingers. "Hi, I'm Teresa," she replied, a smile of her own gracing her features.

"I know." Brenda smiled knowingly in an oddly effective way - as if she knew all of the world's hidden secrets.

An unwelcome, surprising twist in her stomach alerted Teresa that the berg was moving. Slowly lifting into the air inch by inch. She realized with a grim trace of dread - she'd never been in the air before. Well, perhaps when she'd been young, but this was so very different. And Teresa really didn't want to accidentally puke on this attractive girl.

"Come, there's a couch in the back." Brenda turned swiftly, leading the way towards the back of the aircraft with Teresa following closely behind.

"How are we conducting research out. . . there?" Teresa watched as Brenda plopped onto an ugly, flowery couch before sliding onto the cushion next to her. At least they wouldn't have to stand the whole ride. Although Teresa was confident she'd seen a suspicious looking stain on the armrest which certainly didn't help the queasy churning in her stomach.

"We'll be seeing how cranks react when they're exposed to things from their past - toys, family pictures, et cetera." Brenda grabbed a backpack from behind the couch, lifting it to display the contents to Teresa. Inside, Teresa could see a variation of different objects and sorts. They were all completely random and unfamiliar but they must have meant something to the deranged, insane cranks at one point.

"Where'd you find all of this? How do we know what stuff is associated with which crank?"

"We do what Wicked tells us and we don't ask questions. But we get launchers," Brenda winked. "I'll teach you how to use one."


Brenda nodded, lifting a hand to point at the pilot's seat. "That's my bud, Jorge. He's the best pilot in the world. I can assure you of that."

Teresa could only see the back of his shoulder as the chair blocked her view. But he seemed to have heard their topic of conversation as he lifted a hand to wave at them. A subconscious smile crossed Teresa's features as she turned, her gaze falling on Brenda once more.

The berg hit an airpocket, suddenly dropping through the air like a falling stone before steadying itself. Teresa's face scrunched up as she tried to hold on to her breakfast. She could practically feel the colour of her face shifting into an unpleasant shade of green. 

"Whoa there, bub."

Teresa had screwed her eyes shut but she warily opened them, blinking as she viewed Brenda's mildly concerned face expression. "I'm fine," she reassured the girl, attempting a smile. "I've just never. . . been on a berg before."

"Here," Brenda reached to grab a bottle of water from behind the couch, offering it quickly to Teresa. "We'll get there soon." Another brief, glowing smile appeared on her features as she reached out to touch Teresa's arm. "I'll go tell Jorge to slim it."

Teresa watched as Brenda stood, leaving her with a bottle of water and the memory of her calloused fingers brushing against her skin.

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