Chapter 4: Fake Oranges

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Chapter 4!

The next day went by pretty fast and I find myself in the school's cafeteria, walking towards the table I sat at yesterday. When I get nearer to the table, I see a unfamiliar blonde haired girl, with a paler skin complexion compared to the others she sitting next too.

"Hey guys!" I say happily when I take a seat next to Luke. They all look up in unison and a chorus of hi's and hello's are sprouted from the three, I have just made friends with.

Looking over to the girl I have yet to be introduced too, I take in her appearance of her long straight blonde hair, her skinny figure which is dressed in a royal blue tank top with an Aztec pattern printed on it, high waisted, washed out jean shorts and a pair of blue flip flops. When our eyes connect with each other's, the colour of her eyes are an array of blues, browns and greens, creating this random yet crazy looking eye colour that could potentially capture any boys' attention.

"Hey, I'm lily!" I finally speak up when the atmosphere begins to get awkward. The girl just stares at me for a moment until her eyes fill with remembrance.

"Oh your lily! Laura was telling me all about you last night. I'm Emily." Emily replies with excitement laced within her voice. I wonder why she's excited about me. Whatever it is, at least it's not anger or most importantly hostility.

"The one and only." I smile brightly, and send a cheeky wink in her direction. This causes the whole table to erupt into laughter, me joining them. The laughter lasts about 5 or so minutes and when we finally begin to calm down, I realise along with the rest of the table that we have created an audience, all of which are looking at us like were some kind of rare species of humans.

"Come on people. I know we are all smoking hot on this table, but there is absolutely no need to make your admirational stares so obvious!" Luke shouted in a serious voice, but his red face and crinkled facial expressions tells us that he is about to laugh again.

The comment caused most people to turn around quickly with tints of red forming on their cheeks, while a few of the boys and more confident students laughed and winked at us before turning around.

I look around the table at everyone and see that they are all holding in the urge to laugh, however a few moments later, for the second time today we are submerged into laughter.

Suddenly, Laura and the twins stop laughing, and looks of confusing mixed with nervousness takes over their faces. Their eyes are fixated on something behind me. However, as I am about to open my mouth and ask what in the name of Jesus they are looking at, I feel a rather vicious tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see a medium height, bright blonde haired girl with clown looking makeup on her face, staring me in the face with a mother of all death glares plastered on her O so fake face. My eyes travel down her body to find it is clad in the shortest cheerleading outfit I have ever seen, and I thought my old schools' was bad. The short green skirt stops way above mid thigh, and the crop top with the words 'South High Beach' in black letters wrote across it, lands a few inches below the breasts. I can already tell this girl is the schools 'it' girl, but formally known to everyone else as the school's bitch/slut. My reason to believe this is multiplied by 10 when I see two girls standing behind her, with the same fake blonde hair and cheerleading outfits on.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely. I have dealt with people like her before in my old school, and being nice is the best way to go about things, because then they have No reason to be bitchy to you.

"Look here new girl, these are not the type of people, a person like you, should be hanging around with." The cheerleader says with an authoritative tone. I have no Idea why that tone of voice is being used, because so far it hasn't affected my judgement or feeling towards her.

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