Chapter 2 School Days

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My alarm clock woke me up at 4:30 a.m my friends woke up groaning asking me why I am waking up at this hour I told them why and by the time I finished they were already fully awake so they decided to get up to. We all went down and ate are breakfast quickly then we went to the stales to get  our horses we tacked them up then rode them all around. The teacher saw how well I did he brung me to a higher level so that meant I would get a private lesson unless he liked another one of us and surely he did he liked Virginia. So me and Virginia now have a higher ranking than the others. We quickly put up are horses and went to class. Math was easy only that was not so easy for Ana so I had to help her are next class would be dressage. So I decided to use Rebound he loves dressage when I got there Mrs. Trout asked me to start out she told me at A Enter working trot then at X halt, salute then proceed working trot. At C Track left Bend and balance in turn; quality of trot; shape and size of circle; bend. At E Circle left 20m at A Circle left 20m, developing left lead canter second half of circle Quality of trot and canter; willing, calm transition; shape and size of circle; bend. Then at AFB go to a  Working canter then at B-E make a Half circle left 20m Quality of canter; shape and size of half circle; bend. Between E & K do a  Working trot Willing, balanced transition; quality of canter and trot. Then go to A and Circle left 20m rising trot, allowing the horse to stretch forward and downward Forward and downward stretch over the back into a light contact maintaining balance and quality of trot; bend; shape and size of circle; smooth, balanced transitions. Before A Shorten the reins A Working trot. Then Between A & F Medium walk Willing, balanced transition; quality of trot and walk. At FXH Free walk Reach and ground cover make sure whenyou are free walking you are allowing complete freedom to stretch the neck forward and downward; quality and regularity of medium walk; willing, balanced transitions; straightness on diagonal. At H-C Medium walk. Then at C Working trot Willing, balanced transition; quality of trot. At B Circle right 20m make sure you have Quality of trot; shape and size of circle; bend. Then at A Circle right 20m, developing right lead canter second half of circle Quality of trot and canter; willing, calm transition; shape and size of circle; bend.  At AKE Working canter . Then at E-B Half circle right 20m make sure the Quality of canter; shape and size of half circle; bend. Then Between B & F Working trot Willing, balanced transition; quality of canter and trot. AT A Go Down centerline make sure you Bend and balance in turn; straightness on centerline and in halt; willing, balanced transition; immobility. AT X Halt, Salute then Leave arena at A in walk on a long rein . I did exactly what she told me to do I did perfect. Every body had some faults but me and Emily so we moved up to dressage training test 1 level 2. The rest of the day was easy.

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