Love can touch us one time~

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"WATCH OUT WERE YOU'RE GOING RUKI!!!" Aoi shouts when I accidentally walks into him.

"Sorry..." I say quiet and look down on my feet, pretty ashamed.

Aoi mumbles something about that I am the most clumsy person on earth, before he walks forward, away from me.

The three other members sits in the sofa and watch Aoi walk away, they laugh at me, as usually. Everyone hates me. My parents threw me out if their house because I started smoking, my band members hates me without a reason... The thing is just that no one loves me, I feel so worthless. I have also a secret love for Aoi, but he is the one that hates me the most, it hurts.

I look sadly at the others in the sofa, Aoi just joined them.

"Thank you for today guys, I will walk home now." I say and go out of the studio.

I almost run all the way home, and when I get to my apartment, I shut the door closed behind me.

I throw myself at the sofa and starts to cry, as I always do after coming home. I cry until my eyes are red and there's no more tears.

I just lay on the sofa and thinks over my worthless life. What is a life where no one loves you? It's nothing. Just like mine.

There's a knock on the door. It's surely my neighbour who comes to complain over my loud sobs again. There's no energy left to open the door after all crying. I won't open.

There is one more knock on the door, I don't mind about it.

When I don't go and open the door, the person who knocks enter it, without my permission.

"Get the hell out of here!" I shout, really upset.

"No." Was the only response I get before I sight Aoi.

"What the hell are you doing here?! You hate me! Leave me alone!!!" I shout and throw a pillow at him.

He catches it and stays calm. He walks towards the sofa and sits down next to me.

"Ruki... You are not allowed to think that I hate you..."

"But you do! I know it..." I start to cry again.

"No. I don't. Sometimes you just annoy me, and then I lose my temper and starts to yell. And you are so emotional, so you thinks I hate you right?" Aoi asks.

I nod.

"I don't hate you..."

He strakes my back with his hand.

"Don't cry..."

To be continued...

Love can touch us one time~Where stories live. Discover now