Part five

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Me and Aoi fell asleep in each other's arms that night on the sofa. I had never felt so safe before.

I wake up in the morning by 9 am.


We would have been in the studio by 8 am, we are one hour late.

I jump on my love's stomach to try to wake him up.


Aoi opens his eyes a bit and smiles at me.

"Good morning beauty." He says and sits up to kiss me.

"No time for that now! We are late!!!!"

Aoi looks at the clock. His eyes widens.


We change clothes fast, Aoi borrows my, and we run hand in hand to the studio, where the other waits for us to come.

We also run through the door and meet the others angry faces.

"Why are you so late?!" Reita asks.

I look down at my feet. I still don't want them to know. Then I find out that I hold Aois hand, and Kai sees it.

"Why are you holding hands?" He asks.

The two others looks at our bound hands.

Aoi looks at me and smiles.

"I think you should tell him." He says.

My heart is pounding of nervousness, but with Aoi on my side, it feels safe.

"We...are a....couple..." I say while blushing hard and looking down.

The others are quiet, they are surely thinking about what to say to be mean to me.

"That's so....adorable!" Uruha says.

Aoi smiles big and I look up, seeing the others smiling. Then I start to smile...

To be continued...

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