I miss her.

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"I miss her, you know. I don't thing she changed... Well, she did, but when you change, it's because you grow up, you live something big, something like that, but it's not her case, nothing happened. But she's not the same, she's... different. I miss her so much, you know. How long have it been since I've seen her smile, her beautiful smile who lighted up your day. And, Jesus, you don't know about her eyes, they're always beautiful, those pale green eyes, and maybe they didn't change their colour, but they don't have this stardust in them anymore. She used to have this look, a shining look who used to make things alive at the moment she looked at them. A look so expressive, who showed sadness, happiness, amusement, anything. Everything she felt. Now they're just... Empty. Some days if you're lucky, you can see something, but something horrible, heartbreaking, some days, her eyes have this look that's so broken, like you could see her heart broken in a million pieces, like she was begging you to let her die. And I miss her so much. I miss everything about her. I miss the way she always laughed at everyone's joke even if she didn't thought it was funny just so they won't feel uncomfortable, I loved the way her cheeks were turning red when you told her any kind of compliments. And, oh God, if you have had the chance to know how she kissed so passionately. She used to be afraid to tell her feelings, now she doesn't feel anything, and honestly I think she really doesn't feel anything anymore, she's just... Empty. I don't know what happened to her, I don't even remember if this transformation took time or if it was direct, but seeing her like that hurts so much. Fuck! I want to know what happened so much so maybe there's a way I could help her. And even, if I could get back in the past, I would stop it. But I can't do that, and worse, I cant't know what happened because honestly I don't even think she knows herself. How strange it is that someone so happy, so full of life can become the entire contrary, just a ball full of sadness, or worse, a dead person. I hope for you that you'll never live what I live, you'll never see anyone so broken, because it hurts so much. It's this horrible sadness to see the person you love the most breaking more and more everyday. It's this horrible feeling that you lost something, and you would do anything to get it back, but you can't. I miss her, you know, I miss her so much. I mean, it's impossible to miss someone this much. I miss everything about her. Everything she used to be."

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