Why is life illogical?

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Why is life illogical?

First of all, no one knows the point of life, the purpose of it, and it's what everyone wants to know. It's what rules our world, it's what created religion, it's what philosophers are trying to find, it's what people spend night thinking about: why are we here? But this is stupid from the beginning, because people always want answers and they hate when they can't find one, they hate when things don't have ends or reason or anything. But why should there be a reason behind anything? Why should there be ends? Why should there be a purpose? It's just life, there is no logic behind it: we live and we die, that's it. 

I think the fact that life is completely nonsense isn't true: I just think the human race is kind of stupid and because of this damn conscience we think we can know everything and we're always looking for more, because the fact is that the conscience gives us a lot of shitty stuff: it gives us feelings which makes us completely weak, it gives us the concept of time and this is a problem itself. The fact that we live and feel time passing, that we are aware of death makes us weak because it forces us to try to fill the "in-between' that stands between birth and death. If we didn't have this concept, the concept that the hours keeps going and that eventually one day we will be gone makes us feel forced to find a purpose to our life so we can fill the time.

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