Introduction (Going on Tour)

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Hello! This is going to be my first fanfiction on this site, and I hope you all enjoy it. I've been thinking about this idea for a long time and just decided to put it into a story. I can't really say how often I'll update, but I can tell you that I've already written the next three chapters.

Anyhow, this will be a Jack Barakat/OC fanfiction, so if you don't like that sort of thing, simply don't read this fic and continue with your life like nothing happened.

Also, bonus points to whoever gets the reference to the title of this story!

I hope you guys enjoy!


I couldn't believe my own ears. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. Why would I joke about this?" Came the exasperated voice on the other line.

"I dunno."

"Exactly. Just please be ready to go in two days, make sure you're packed for a long time."

"Flyzik, I could freaking kiss you."

A sigh. "Please don't."

"If you insist..."

"I do. The bus will be outside your house at seven AM in two days. Don't be late."

"I won't be, I swear!"

I could practically hear Flyzik shaking his head over the phone. "Okay. I'll see you then, Lily."

"Bye, Matt!"

I hung up the phone and stared at it for a few seconds before a smile broke out across my face and I literally jumped for joy.

"I'm going on touuur, I'm going on touuur!!" I sang to myself, my red hair flipping wildly as I did an awkward dance. I grinned even wider, pulling out my phone and opening Twitter.

@LilySparrow_WFC: Guess who gets to go on tour with their favorite band? This girl!! :) #AllTimeLow

I hit send, still smiling to myself like an idiot. I had always dreamed of working with All Time Low, even if it meant just being a simple guitar tech or even helping out with merch on tour. And here I was, being handed the opportunity of a lifetime: opening band for All Time Low's latest tour!

Me! Simple old Lily Sparrow, who was barely famous in the first place, would be going on tour with the most popular punk band, well, ever. I quickly dialed the number of my best friend, Derek. He picked up, as he usually does, after the first ring.

"Oh, would you look at that, I've got a beautiful lady calling me. To what do I owe the absolute pleasure, Miss Sparrow?" Derek had always been one for dramatics.

"Well, you see," I put on a posh British accent, making him giggle over the phone, "It seems that I have been handed a job, but nobody to freak out with me over it."

"Ooh, you landed a gig? Where and when?" Derek gushed, and I could picture him wearing a ridiculous grin on his face, happy that I was getting work.

That's the thing about Derek, he's a people person. He's never really cared for people's opinion of him, and mostly focused on other people's opinions of his friends. He was incredibly selfless.

"You remember Matt Flyzik?"

"Hmm, vaguely. Was he cute?"

"Uh, not really," I said, holding back laughter. He was so boy obsessed. "But he is straight, and engaged."

I heard Derek sigh with faux disappointment. "Shame, he's got a cool last name. Anyway, what about him?"

"He happens to be band manager for, guess who?"

"Lily, hurry up and tell me what this job is before I freak out!"

"I'm the opening band for All Time Low!" I practically shouted, not worrying if anyone was going to hear me. I lived alone anyways, and my neighbors were used to me being loud sometimes.

A beat. "Are you serious?"

I laughed again at the tone of Derek's voice; it was the same as mine when Flyzik first told me. "I'm dead serious."

"All Time Low, as in, our favorite band All Time Low?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, even though he couldn't see me. "No, All Time Low as in, 'My depression has hit an all time low,'" I drawled sarcastically, "Yes, All Time Low our favorite band!"

"Holy fucking shit fucks!" I heard Derek yell, and I pulled the phone away from my ear for a moment, and counted to forty-five before I put it back on again. "... And Lily Sparrow, if you don't hook up with either Jack Barakat or Alex Gaskarth, I will murder you."

I blinked in shock. "Woah, there. I don't even know these guys, Der. They could be complete assholes."

"You and I both know that they're not," he said smugly.

"Okay, so maybe you're right. But that doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with them. That's a little weird."

"Whatever you say..." Derek said in a mocking, sing-song tone.

"Well, I gotta pack. I'm leaving in two days."

"Lily, you and I both know that you're just going to procrastinate until an hour before you leave, so stop kidding yourself."

I laughed. "That's true. Hey, would you mind house sitting while I'm gone? You wouldn't have to stay like, 24/7, just check in every once in a while to make sure my apartment doesn't spontaneously combust or whatever."

"Yeah, sure."

"Great. I'll leave money on my table for you just in case, and then I'll pay you when I get back."

Derek sighed. "You know, you really don't have to pay me, you know. Apartment sitting is just part of the best friend's job."

"But I'm going to do it anyways, and you're not gonna argue." I said firmly, placing a hundred dollars on my table in case I forgot.

"Fine. Do you want me to come over tomorrow or something to help you pack?"

"Sure, that'd be great. I'll see you then, Derek."

"Later, Lily."

The phone hung up with a click and I set it down, glancing around my apartment with a neutral expression before I grinned again. This was a dream coming true, literally. I couldn't think of anything that could make my life happier at this point. But that was probably because I hadn't met Jack Barakat yet. Damn, would I be in trouble then.

Well, there it is. Please let me know what you guys thought of that, leave comments, tell your friends, whatever. Thanks for reading!


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