Lost in Stereo

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"And oh, if you've got it all figured out, then what is there to shout about? This Midwest town is gonna miss you."

The last chords that I had played on my ukulele rang out through the stage over the sounds of the screaming fans. I was positive that my hair was in a mess and my face was sweaty, but I found myself not at all caring. I had talked to Alex a while before I went on, and he assured me that playing on that big of a stage for the first time ever would be something I never forgot, and I certainly hope not. That was hands down the most incredible feeling in the entire world.

"Holy fucking shit." I blurted, laughing awkwardly. The crowd screamed out in agreement. "You guys are unreal. Seriously. Thank you so much for being my first ever crowd at my first ever concert, and thanks for kicking ass at it. I love you all so, so much."

A few 'I love you's and even a 'marry me' were thrown out towards me, and I found myself laughing once again.

"Well, I'm probably not going to marry you guys, but I still do love you. I'll be with All Time Low at the Meet and Greet if any of you wanna say hi." More whoops and hollers came from the crowd, and I couldn't keep the grin off of my face. "Speaking of All Time Blow, are you all ready for the dick jokes and mediocre music?"

The crowd cheered louder at my teasing "I'm just kidding, you guys. They're all fantastic guys and their music is actually the reason I make music. Sorta like the way the guys worshipped Blink-182 and then got to meet them and work with them and whatnot. Anyway, I'm Lily Sparrow of Waiting for Charlie, and thank you so god damn much for coming out."

I took a final bow to the crowd, who screamed back at me, then found my way off the stage. I didn't even have time to breathe before Jack enveloped me in a huge bear hug.

"You did amazing, Lily-Flower." He mumbled into my red hair. I could feel my face heat up about a million degrees.

"Uh, thanks." I whispered back. Jack released me from his arms, but still had his hands on my shoulders as he looked down at me. He had such a serious look on his face.

"Are you going to be watching us?" He said finally, tucking a piece of hair behind my ears. The simple action had me shivering from head to toe. I closed my eyes, allowing myself a moment to enjoy it, then stepped back, a false smile on my face. I can't let him get to me, I just can't. I won't get hurt again, and especially not by him.

"Yeah, like I'm going to miss my very first All Time Low show when I get the best view," I said sarcastically, "Sometimes I think you forget that I'm just another fan, Barakat."

Jack's serious demeanor changed in an instant at my sudden change in mood. It was almost like he physically deflated. I willed myself not to just jump into his arms and apologize over and over again. He cracked a half grin, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"I didn't know that this was your first time seeing us. I'll be sure to kick extra ass for you."

I smiled, but it hurt. "Okay. I'll be sure to keep a close eye on Alex, then. I hear he's excellent live." I joked.

"You bet your ass I'm excellent live." Alex said from behind me, clasping a hand on my shoulder and effectively scaring the living crap out of me. I let out a small scream, and tuned to hit him on the shoulder.

"Fuck you, Alexander. You scared the shit out of me." I said breathlessly, mentally thanking him for saving me from Jack. 

The singer shrugged. "Well, you did summon me."

I grinned, my bad mood being pushed to the back of my mind. "Now, why didn't that work when I was younger?"

Alex laughed heartily, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Creepy, Sparrow." He commented with a wink. 

Lily Rosemary and the Jack of HeartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang