7- Let's Keep It Like That

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Sunday morning is very exciting for me. Why? Well, because I don’t have to do any work. Like I’ve said, I usually do all of the housework on Sundays but because I did all of that stuff yesterday, I have today to do absolutely nothing and that’s very exciting for me.

After I take Max outside to do his business, we come right back inside because it’s raining so it’s kind of cold and it’s very wet. I feed him and then make breakfast- for me, it’s popcorn for my highly anticipated movie marathon in the living room. No pants, no cares. It’s wonderful. It’s still pretty early so I don’t expect Lake to be up for a few hours if that, so that’s also another magical part of today. Except for the fact that when he does wake up, he’ll probably be very hungover and moody so that won’t be fun.

As I’m in the kitchen waiting for Max to eat and my popcorn to pop in the microwave, I start making toast. I don’t know why, but it’s just a habit. When Adan would go out and drink a lot, I’d make a hangover breakfast for him and I miss that because it was really funny to see him hungover. He was also a really funny drunk. Anyway, I put some toast in the toaster and then go into the pantry where we have a small case of ginger ale. I don’t know why that’s there because I absolutely hate the stuff but I suspect it’s still there from when Adan was here and nobody threw it away because he’s coming back. There’s Aspirin in the cupboard above the sink so I grab that small bottle and put it beside the can of ginger ale before taking the toast out of the toaster and placing it on a small plate with the drink and drugs. Lake is lucky that I’m so wonderful. I even start a pot of coffee even though I hate the smell and I don’t even know if Lake likes coffee.

I don’t wait for the coffee to finish brewing because the microwave beeps so I take my popcorn out and pour it all into a bowl before sprinkling it with this orange popcorn salt stuff that makes it taste even better than it originally does.

“Today really will be beautiful, Maxxie,” I inform my puppy as I prance into the living room with a bottle of water and my bowl of popcorn. Before snuggling up in the couch, I open my cupboard that’s full of half of my DVD collection- the other half being in my bedroom. I decide on a Channing Tatum marathon because I’m determined for today to be absolute relaxation and perfection and Channing just makes that so much better. So I put 21 Jump Street into the player while humming along to “Channing All Over Your Tatum”. Before going to the couch, I open up the curtains on the wall because I love the sound and look of rain. The gloominess of the gray outside makes the brightness inside feel all that much cozier and it’s delightful.

I’m only wearing an oversized sweater over top of my panties and an old bra with no wires because I hate bra under wires even more than I hate pants- and that’s really saying something. Anyway, I drape a blanket over myself because I’m cold and Max cuddles beside my belly as I lay on my side on the couch to watch the movie.

I finish 21 Jump Street and The Vow before I get back up off of the couch and that’s just for lunch and to go to the bathroom and quickly let Max out to go to the bathroom outside in the rain. Because I don’t have pants on, I only wait in the door way as he goes outside and then he quickly returns because he doesn’t like being in the rain at all. For lunch, I have ice cream and a bag of Cheetos and it’s delicious before I return to cuddling with Max on the couch.

I’m sobbing my way through the end of Dear John when Lake finally makes his appearance downstairs. He’s obviously grumpy and hungover because he just stumbles his way down the stairs and then into the kitchen without saying anything to me.

Well, I let out a small, snotty laugh and then chirp a sarcastically annoying, “Good morning, Sunshine.”

He flips me off before disappearing into the kitchen for a while.

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