Keepin' Up With The Kids

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''Cause I'm too old to be keepin' up with all the kids...''
A loud yawn escaped Roy's mouth the next morning as was organizing some cds they had received with his black cat next to him on a box, "Long night?" A voice called out making him turn around to see Hughes looking at him teasingly, "Yes, but not like that." Roy said quickly making a face flustered. Hughes made a disappointed sound, "Roy when was the last time you got any?" He asked concerned for his friend since he was always stressed out or avoiding people, but never made time to take care of his needs, "I'd help you out, but I have a wife, unless you like to be a side thing~" Hughes teased jokingly. "Hughes, I'll tell Gracia on you, if you don't get back to work." Roy said flustered but serious making Hughes drop his playful behavior, "Okay, Okay... But seriously what's wrong you seem down..." Hughes asked hearing his friend sigh again, but turn to him smiling tiredly, "You worry too much Hughes.".

Hughes scrunched his face unhappy at his friend's stubbornness, but let it go since he knew Roy kept to himself and only came around when he wanted to, "Take it easy, Roy." Maes said simply patting the raven haired males shoulder going back to work, not surprising him feeling worse but let it go. "I wonder what dad got me..." Edward thought glancing to the bag on his cabinet, opening it to see a pile of cds, "The Birthday Massacre?... Even after the way I acted, he still acts like nothing... I'm the absolute worst." He thought in the quiet house scrunching his face, "I need to get some fresh air...". "Hey Ed-" Alphonse started yawning walking to Edward's room, opening it to see his brother was gone concerning him since he knew how he was, "...And he's gone... Great... Hey Envy.", "What?'' Envy called out opening his door with a yawn to see Alphonse's expression, "...Great... Just the way I wanted to spend my day off...".

"Did you spend time any quality time with your boys last night?" Sheska asked Hohenheim who was putting prices on some books, seeing the male pause but shake his head embarrassed, "I fell asleep during the movie and I woke up on the couch covered up..." He started smiling but dropped it almost immediately. "I can't even raise my kids well... Let alone I can't even spend time with them without my exhaustion kicking in, I don't even understand their lifestyle... Trisha would be disappointed in me at how much of a terrible father I am." He said with a hurt laugh getting the mousy brunette angry at what he said about himself. "Shut up, You're a great father! Why do you always praise others for trying their best, but you can't even give yourself credit for raising three boys on your own after losing your wife!" Sheska said angrily but dropped her tone to a softer one looking at the surprised old male, quickly smiling at him as she usually did.

"A single father raising kids the best they can... You don't see that anymore... Just because you don't understand them, that's never stopped you from loving them unconditionally, or supporting them... sure they may think you're old fashioned, but they don't see you love them so much, Hohenheim...". The conversation was enough to keep Edward from opening the door making a face at how much the father kept to himself, never realizing how much hurt he was hiding heading off to the record shop to think about everything, deciding to not cause any trouble today for his father or siblings. The moment that Edward walked in Riza glanced over to him, wanting to warn Roy about him since he was heading up to where he was seeing he was down surprising her, before her eyes caught to someone else who seemed suspicious walking around looking around nervously and quickly head the same direction.

"Why did I even come over here for?..." Edward thought looking through a section of movies reacting the second someone bumped into him, but let it go when seeing a familiar raven haired male not too far from them, till seeing a teenager grab a magazine and put it away in their jacket quickly reacting when Roy didn't notice. "Hey, maybe you should pay for that first." Edward said quickly grabbing their arm making the teenager cause a fuss, getting Roy's attention about to say something to Edward for causing problems, with Riza coming over quickly surprised but relieved, but got serious heading over to the commotion. She quickly said something to the young girl quietly, signaling Edward to let go with the blond letting go but heaving a sigh when they left, "So much for trying to be good today..." He said turning back to the movies jumping up when seeing Roy in front of him.

"Look, I came here to buy something, so chill." Edward said quickly in a familiar attitude despite his fluster turning away, "You must be blind to not see them from your left side, either that or you're really stupid." He said harshly but thought about his attitude scowling to himself piecing his thoughts together more carefully. "...Whatever..." He said simply before heading off, with Roy feeling a bit hurt at the harsh words towards him, "What a rude kid... He has to hit me where it hurts... I really don't like him..." He said feeling insecure again but still wanted to thank him regardless of his rude behavior towards him. "Guess I'm indebted to him till he decides to come around on his own... Maybe not... I really don't like him..." He thought glancing over seeing the movie he wanted to get before the commotion, grabbing it and looking at it surprised, "Didn't take him as the musical type... Guess I can hold on to this for him...".

"Hey, thanks for-" Riza said when she finally made her way back up to the second floor stopping when seeing Roy organize some movies, "Where did that kid go?", "He left after insulting me." Roy said simply making Riza sigh but cross her arms, "Well, turned out her friends dared her to take something..." She said tiredly. "I talked to her however, so it's fine... I really wanted to thank that kid..." She said seeing her friend make a face, "He seems like he'll be tough to talk to, I don't like him..." He said but dropped his scrunched expression to a tired one, when his cat finally came around laying next to him petting her tiredly. "...Seriously Roy, do you want me to do something about him or what?" Riza asked seeing Roy shake his head, "No, it's fine, thank you though... I'm too old for this..." He said simply sighing going back to work making Riza shake her head but get back to work, with the blond outside the record shop flustered feeling his heart race at how much cuter Roy was face to face, "I think I'm going fucking crazy...".
I really hope you guys are enjoying the extra updates.

I really missed you guys. :')

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