It Gets Worse

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''You still haven't even tried to be friends with Roy? That man has done so much for you, and you can't even be nice to him? Hohenheim raised you so rudely.'' Pinako commented to Edward days later when they came by to pick up Winry, seeing Edward scowl grumpy as usual, as the younger brother defended him, ''My brother will come around!''. ''Let's hope so.'' The older woman said but soften her harsh tone, ''...Look, I know you hate everyone, but... Winry found someone, your brother Envy has someone, even Alphonse is interested in dating. But you... You seem to be... A late bloomer for almost everything.'' The grandmother commented bothering Edward who made a face and left suddenly. ''Brother! She didn't mean it in a bad way!'' Alphonse said after his brother, ''Oh. Looks like I struck a nerve with the boy.'' Pinako said with Winry coming out well dressed smiling but drop it looking around, ''I thought I heard Ed, I heard his heavy footsteps.'', ''Was here... Pinako called my brother a late bloomer and brought up Roy...'' The younger brother answered. ''Grandma! Ed already hates the guy!'', ''He's sensitive, but more so than usual. Edward hasn't been sleeping well, I can tell.'' Pinako said looking to her granddaughter and Alphonse, ''I'll apologize later, go catch up with him before he causes any trouble.'' The grandmother said simply sighing when they left, ''Maybe I should call Roy to keep an eye out for the boy.''. Roy who was yawning looking through some of the shipment they had received perked up when his phone went off grabbing his phone seeing he had gotten a message from Pinako, ''...I really doubt Fullmetal would come around here, but I'll still keep an eye out for him I guess.'' The male said petting his cat that meowed at him before jumping inside the box.

''Hey Roy.'' Roy heard putting his phone away after replying looking up to see Hughes looking down at him, ''Yeah?'', ''You look tired... It's not busy right now why don't you go grab a coffee?'' The married man said seeing his best friend look at him silent for a long moment, ''...I'll make sure Salem doesn't leave...'' Hughes added seeing Roy look satisfied but serious, ''Good.''. ''I look tired because I haven't been able to sleep well since messing around with Fullmetal... But I can say that to Hughes, he already doesn't like him.'' Roy thought when he made his way to the nearby coffee shop yawning bumping into a young woman by accident, ''Ah! I'm sorry!'' He quickly said seeing the young woman look at him puzzled for a moment. ''It's cool, you barely bumped me... I get it people can be jerks.'' She said seeing Roy look relieved and smile, ''Of course... But I truly do apologize Miss.'' The older male said smiling tiredly looking at the young woman noticing she was around Edward's age, ''Again... It's cool.'' The woman said awkwardly but kindly before going on about her day. ''I think I overreacted...'' Edward thought when he reached the surprisingly quiet park by the coffee shop, he went to often but got grumpy remembering what Pinako had said, ''Old bat always has something to say...'' The blond thought before deciding to go somewhere else so no one would find him since he knew how everyone was. ''I'm hungry though...'' The blond thought looking around to decide what to eat, ''Pipsqeak, is that you?'' Edward heard a woman say confusing him despite being bothered by the comment ignoring them walking off, ''Holy shit, Pipsqeak it is you!'' The woman's voice said again making the blond turn around to see who was calling him scowling.

''Look, I don't know who you are but-'' Edward started but stop when seeing a young woman his age confused at who the eager excited woman was, tilting his head looking at the familiar orange and blue top looking at their face then their ocean blue eyes, but gave his attention to a green hair pin holding some of their long blue/black hair back hitting him who it was. The moment Edward realized who it was Roy was coming out with his coffee sighing heavily spotting the blond about to call out to him but seeing the woman he had bumped into standing in front of the blond, ''Ah! Clause?!'' He said surprised seeing the woman nod in excitement, running over to hug the small blond tightly. Roy somehow felt bothered when seeing how flustered the small blond was when the woman kissed his cheek hugging Edward tightly pressing her chest against Edward's face since she was taller than him, seeing Edward get flustered but manage to hug the woman back awkwardly, getting the raven-haired male annoyed walking off and leaving back to work. ''Okay, okay... You're choking me a bit...'' Edward said flustered with the woman's breasts pressed on his face feeling Clause finally letting go, ''Still as awkward as ever huh Pipsqueak?'' Clause teased with a grin seeing Edward stick his pierced tongue out to her, surprising her grabbing his tongue making Edward get flustered at the sudden action. ''Ooh~ This must be fun.'', ''Clause!'' Edward said after smacking his friend's hand away seeing her grin more but got serious, ''You look good like this. I somehow knew you were going to turn out like this.'' Clause commented a bit flustered, but pouted seeing Edward covered up, ''You still cover up your automail huh... How unfortunate.''.

''Anyways, how did you not recognize me? You reacted the same way when you and your brother both saw me in a dress and my hair down when we were 11.'' Clause said gesturing Edward over to the coffee shop, ''...I mean for starters, this!'' Edward said making a gesture with his chest seeing his friend not look surprised, ''Of course...''. ''Also, you don't like a paper boy!'' The blond added following after the woman, ''Mmm... I would say you've changed a lot except you're still a little pipsqueak~'' Clause said stopping flicking Edward's nose ring playfully, ''How's your brother by the way?'' She asked serious seeing Edward fix his nose piercing serious as he always was. ''He's fine. Knowing him He's probably with my mechanic looking for me. I don't want to stick around her too long.'' Edward said with the woman not surprised, ''Ah... Still a troublemaker huh?... We can go somewhere else, if you want. I can always go on my way and look around.'' Clause said walking off feeling a grab on her wrist from Edward's gloved hand. ''I never said anything. I'm actually really happy to see you. Maybe I can take you to eat, and we can catch up?'' Edward asked seeing Clause smile and nod, ''Of course.'' The woman said with Hughes back at the record shop surprised when hearing the door and seeing his best friend walking in grumpier than he already looked. ''Roy, are you alright?'' Hughes asked petting the cat before she jumped off the counter to greet her owner, ''I'm just fine!'' The raven-haired male said making both the cat and the married man jump up at the raised voice, making Roy realize his tone scrunching his face annoyed, ''...Sorry... It's nothing.'' The older male said looking to his friend with an apologetic smile.

''It sure doesn't sound like nothing...'' Hughes commented with Edward walking by the shop that moment talking to Clause seeing Edward look up to her serious before actually smiling a bit and laughing making the married man think nothing of it before turning to see Roy was looking at the scene bothered scrunching his face again. The black cat spotted the blond before meowing loudly, making the taller woman stop in her steps and grab Edward by his hand pointing to Salem in excitement, causing Edward to sigh, ''Salem stop it.'' Roy ordered with his cat ignoring him and going to the glass meowing for the blond who gave in taking the woman in the shop. ''Cat!'' Clause said in excitement when she walked in record shop to kneel and pet the meowing fluffy black cat and Edward following behind awkwardly but huffing in usual annoyance, ''There... Are you satisfied?'' The blond said with his eyes meeting Roy's dark eyes quickly looking away, ''Sorry, she really wanted to meet your cat.'' Edward said in his usual cold tone. ''Hey.'' Edward said to Hughes just as coldly bothering Hughes but glanced to his best friend seeing him look at Edward's company with an agitated expression before forcing a smile when the woman looked up to him and complimented his cat, ''Oh, Roy's jealous.'' Hughes thought in complete shock since his friend never shown any type of jealousy. ''We meet again mister nervous. Didn't think this cutie belonged to you.'' Clause said picking up the cat standing up holding the cat towards Edward, ''She seems to want you more.'' She said handing the cat to Edward noticing the way Roy looked at Edward, ''You met this guy already?'' Edward asked noticing how Roy looked at him giving his attention to the purring cat.

''Well, he accidentally bumped into me before we saw each other.'' The woman said, ''Give him a break.'' Edward said nonchalantly with Hughes surprised at the defense of his friend, ''I didn't mean anything bad by it.'' Clause said petting the cat in the blond's arms, seeing the way Roy looked at her, piecing together the male was jealous of her. ''I'm Clause, nice to meet ya.'' The woman said happily holding her hand out towards Roy who made a face without realizing it, with Hughes noticing glancing to Edward who also seemed to notice raising his pierced brow at him, ''...Roy Mustang...'' Roy finally introduced holding his hand out to greet the eager woman quickly letting go. ''Hey pipsqueak, let's go eat already.'' Clause said purposely grabbing Edward's arm pressing her breasts against it with a smile bothering Roy even more when the small blond casually agreed with little reaction, ''Sure, lemme me just give this guy his cat back, wait for me outside.'' The small punk said with Clause petting the cat happily before she left. Edward sighed before walking towards the raven-haired male handing the cat back, ''Don't let Clause bother you too much... She has a nickname for everyone.'' He said grabbing the cat's face kissing her nose feeling Roy touch his hair casually, ''Fullmetal...'', ''I told you to stop calling me that weird pet name! And don't touch me as you please!'' Edward said annoyed but flustered. ''Here I felt bad for you, and you just have to go and ruin it.'' The blond punk huffed leaving with Clause seeming to check on Edward touching his shoulder, ''He has no problem with his friend touching him or calling him a nickname, but hates it when you do it?... He really doesn't like you Roy... I don't like him either, what do you see in him honestly.'' Hughes huffed.

1989 (Royed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang