Chapter 8 Ex's and O's

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"This place is gorgeous." I drove slowly down a quiet street in Rome.

Juliet remained silent and moody in the passenger seat, her head resting against the window lazily.

The GPS lady told me to go left, but it was a street that couldn't be driven through. I parked along the side of the road not to far away.

"Let's go." I opened my door, stepping out into the warm sunshine. I started walking; when it was clear Juliet wasn't following I turned around. I opened her door.

"I have jet lag."

"Actually, its portal lag. Now get your arse up." I flicked her nose.

"Ow!" She slapped my hand away. "You're a pain in my arse, you know that right?" She clambered out.

"It's what I'm here for." I ran a hand through my hair before crossing the street with her. As we walked a man spoke to me in Italian. I had no idea what he was saying, but I took it as a compliment.

I sent him a suggestive smile and he winked.

"I thought you were into girls." Juliet glanced at me approvingly.

"I am." I winked in her direction.

Juliet rolled her eyes in response.

We turned off the street and into an alley. Huge apartment buildings made of warm coloured stone cocooned us, with flower boxes and balconies suspended overhead.

"The letters were sent from this building." I declared as I ascended the steps to the front door. I pressed the intercom button. "Hi Leon, this is Tabitha and Juliet from your old Coven."

"Don't say my name." Juliet interrupted.

"We'd like to talk to you." I removed my finger from the button. I looked to Juliet and she shook her head at me. "What?" I asked. I waited a good five seconds for a response.

"I don't think he's home."

I looked upwards as if I could see him through the stone overhead. "Time for plan b." I turned, kicking the door. It rattled, barley budging.

"Tabitha!" Juliet exclaimed. "We're not breaking in."

"It's not breaking in if you know the person."

"You don't know him."

"But you do, so it counts." I stepped back, looking for another way in. I spotted a tree. Gripping onto the lowest branch I used it to haul myself up.

Juliet grabbed my leg. "You're insane!"

"Keep your voice down." I hushed, shaking my leg to dispel her hand. I climbed up to the highest branch, crawling along it before leaping onto the balcony of the building.


I ignored Juliet, opening the unlocked balcony doors to the apartment. I saw an object swinging towards my head in my peripheral vision and I ducked, rolling along the floor and onto my feet. A fist headed my way next and I deflected it with my arm. A man that could only be Travis continued to attack me.

"I have come to talk to you." I jumped over his leg.

His fist collided with my nose.

"Fuck!" I clutched my nose while it bled. Travis used my moment of weakness to pin me against the wall.

"Get out of my house." He pressed his fist against my windpipe.

"Leon-he." I choked.

"Travis." Juliet spoke from behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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