• meet me halfway •

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every time we mix we create a new color. and because color is light, light flickers bouncing off our steaming skin and dancing its way to immortalize us somewhere in the expanding universe. i write about it no matter how mundane it really is. the way my breath meets yours has so much heat and collision and gas dynamics i can tell you about but the way we move ignites multitudes within me in every way soft and smooth and simply like you. your fingertips trace my name in musical notes everywhere that aches for symphony and a break from war. our names are old and long enough to create a song as they roll down our thick tongues as you call me by your name and i call you by mine. baby the world awaits a love so big but we have to work our issues first. and we need to play like children again. and we must walk the meadows of one another. you listen to my playlists and i read your art history papers and maybe, we will get what it feels like being one another. baby meet me halfway there. baby this is about me and you, i am all about me and you and i love you.


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