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After hours of trying on clothes and showing them off to Ben. We mutually agreed on a handful of the outfits.

"I better get going," Ben whispers. "I left James for too long. He might've destroyed my kitchen in search of dinner."

I giggled and nodded at him.

"I should get some dinner too. It is very late. Have a good night Ben."

"You too," He replied, gently.

I bite my bottom lip as I watch him stand and make his way towards the door. I was torn to follow and give him a kiss or stay where I was rooted and watch him go. He grabs the door handle and pulls the door open. Suddenly I heard two gasps. Ben is standing before my mother and Melinda right by her side. My mother's hand was raised in a near knock. Ben shoots a quick look his shoulder at me. Panicked chills run up my arms causing goosebumps to form along my skin. I could feel the anger radiating off mother. She glared at me deadly. I felt so small, weak and helpless against her. Ben remains calm but tensed. He looks at my mother and sister again. My heart was pounding a mile a minute now. My mother had gotten into many fights in her past. I've heard stories about many of them. I forced a kind smile. Ben steps back into the room. I move forward towards the door and stand beside him. I tried to collect any ounce of strength I had in me. My mother opens her mouth and speaks first.

"Arianna, it's time to come home."

"I don't want to go with you," I stated, firmly.

I could see my mother's temple bulging with anger.

"Don't be ridiculous, Aria! You're my daughter and you will do as I say!"

Ben steps forward and looks down at my mother. He was way taller than her by five feet.

"I'm afraid she isn't going anywhere with you," Ben states, firmly.

I glanced at Ben. His features were twisted with annoyance and anger. I looked back at my mother. She was looking at him while glaring daggers. If looks could kill we'd both be dead.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" Mother snaps.

"I'm the one who's not going to let you hurt her again."

My mother's anger tripled in the matter of seconds. I bite my bottom lip as I stepped slightly backwards.

"Oh, another one of her little boyfriends who thinks he can stand up to me?"

"I'm not a boy, and I'm not afraid of you."

I swallowed hard. Ben continues to stare down at my mother. She continues to glare daggers at him.

"We will see about that!" Mother snaps.

She tried to push past him but Ben remains unfazed in the doorway between me, and my mother. For being a hybrid his strength was unmatched by a very angry mother.

"I said, she isn't going with you."

"Fine! But this isn't the end of it!"

Mother grabs Melinda's hand forcefully and drags her along behind her as they leave.  We watched them go. I release the air I was holding and turn to Ben.

"Thank you," I whispered

Ben looks at me. His expression softens a little.

"Anytime Arianna. You're safe now," He replied, gently. "But you can't stay here now. She will be back since she knows your room number."

I glance around the hotel room.

"I have no where else to go," I whispered.

"You can come with me to my house," He offered.

My head snapped in his direction. I stared at him for a moment to process what he had just offered. I shook my head quickly.

"I don't want to impose. Especially on your brother," I replied, quickly.

"He'd want you to be safe," Ben replied. "Will you come with me?"

He watches me as I toss the idea around my head before sighing softly. I nodded slowly.

"Yes... Thank you."

"Then let's get your things. We need to go."

I nodded again and quickly moved to repack my suitcase. Once we grabbed everything from the room we stepped into the hall. We make our way down the lobby. I give the receptionist the key back and follow Ben outside.

"You can follow me in your car," Ben stats.

"Alright," I agreed.

I put my things into the back of my car with the help of Ben. Once loaded we climbed into your vehicles. Ben pulls out first and I follow after him.


Ben pulls into a lane and parks the car inches from the matching garage. I park behind him. I relaxed a little as I climbed out.

"Cute," I comment.

"Thank you. It belong to my grandmother."

I move to grab my suitcase from the trunk. Ben stops me and takes the bag.

"Allow me to bring that in for you."

Suddenly a voice calls out.

"Well, well, well. Look at Ben finally getting a girl!"

Ben and I turn to see an elderly man standing in his laneway. He leans against his shovel as a teasing grin spreads across his lips. I glanced at Ben.

"Nice to see you Frank. This is Arianna," Ben replied.

There was a growing blush of embarrassment on his cheeks as he gestured towards Frank.

"Arianna, This is Frank. My close friend and neighbour," Ben explained.

"Oh, Arianna. Huh? I knew he wasn't hopeless," Frank continues to tease.

Ben's blush darkened as he clears his throat.

"Shut up Frank," He retorts.

Frank throws his head back in a chuckle before he looks at him again. His grin was growing.

"Just glad to see you with someone, Ben. Bring her by sometime."

"Yeah, yeah..."

Ben rolls his eyes but a small grin was growing on his own lips. I watch the two.  Ben closed the trunk and ushers me inside still a little embarrassed.

"Well, he seems nice."

"Yeah, just ignore him."

"It's sweet. He cares about you."

"Yeah, I guess you're right.."

Ben moves deeper into the house as I glance around. The house was lightly furnished but the walls had many pictures of what I assumed was their family. I slipped off my shoes and followed him deeper into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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