Adding Bree and Sebastian

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Who you're related to

Bree: You're Spin's older sister

Sebastian: You're Donald Davenport's biological daughter

Are you bionic?

Bree: yes

Sebastian: no

Their first thoughts after first meeting you

Bree:  It looks like we've got a new student at Mission Creek. Her name's Y/N? Wow, she's really pretty. I can't believe she's so pretty.

Sebastian:  Wow. Y/N's I can't believe it; I've met a truly amazing girl. I can't get her out of my head. She's all I think about.

Your favorite movie fandom

Bree:  Man of Steel. You love anything to do with DC comics and you love Henry Cavill. Bree loves superhero movies, and absolutely adores watching Superman with you.

Sebastian:  Suicide Squad. DC villains coming together for the greater good? Yeah, Sebastian loves it. You love it too, mainly because you like to drool over Jared Leto being the Joker, seeing him take on a role that's hard to take over (cause y'know Heath Ledger is the best Joker ever).

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