They/You get captured Part 2

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A/N:  Okay guys! I'm back with Douglas, Leo and Marcus. As I said yesterday I will not be writing one for Sebastian. Hope you guys enjoy!!


Douglas Davenport

You knew that your father was a madman; you just didn't know how much of a madman he really was. You had been out to get groceries for Tasha and Donald since they let you live in their home with their family. You had this feeling as if someone was watching you, but you never found anyone so you let it be. couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid, and after putting the groceries in your trunk, you texted Douglas your paranoia password: Llama.

But once you got into your car, you saw a teenage boy in your backseat. "Hello sister. My name is S-3, and I've been sent to bring you to our father." He said as he put the chloroform over your mouth and nose. Once he knew you were unconscious, he geo-leaped to Krane with you in tow. Krane looked at your unconscious form and smirked. "Perfect. String her up," he instructed and S-3 put shackles on your wrists, holding your arms above your head. The metal that was being used was able to interfere with your bionics, making them practically useless.

When you came to, you panicked to see you were shackled in a warehouse. "Welcome home daughter." Your father's voice echoed in the empty space. Your eyes widened as you tried to break free with little to no luck. "Don't even try. Your bionics are useless against this metal. Now...let's have some fun shall we?" He sneered as he grabbed your face forcefully in his large gloved hand. "But before we begin our fun, I have to send a message to those pathetic excuses for bionic superhumans and the Davenport brothers." He chuckled darkly as he let your face go. You were freaking out and all your mind could think about was Douglas. As long as you complied, nothing bad would happen to him.

Leo Dooley

You know, for a smart girl like yourself, you sure are dumb. Leo didn't like Marcus from the very beginning since they met, but you thought he was just jealous. Typical boyfriend stuff. But it wasn't typical boyfriend stuff because it turns out that Leo was right all along about Marcus.

You hadn't felt good all morning, and Donald let you stay home because he knew how bad you felt about missing missions and school due to human illnesses. You had walked to elevator to go to the lab, unfazed that Eddy hadn't turned on yet. When you walked into the lab, you saw Donald talking to a younger man with spiky hair. "Mr. Davenport? What's going on?" You asked even though your head was pounding.

Donald looked at you and he panicked. "Y/N..." he trailed off but it was too late. The younger man looked at you with a smirk. "So this is Y/N, huh? I know she's not one of my creations. You adopted her right Donny?" He asked. You looked scared. "Mr. Davenport...who is this man?" You asked. "That's my brother Douglas. He's supposed to be dead," he said. You lost all consciousness when you saw one person you didn't expect to see. "Marcus?" You asked before you fainted.

You woke up on the floor of what looked to be another lab. There were blue laser-like bars surrounding you and Donald. "Mr. Davenport? How'd we get here?" You asked as you stood up. Donald looked at you with sad eyes. "Douglas and Marcus brought us here while we were both unconscious. Marcus has bionics Y/N. And Douglas wants Adam, Bree and Chase," he said.

Your heart dropped. "He was right." You mumbled. "What?" Donald asked. "Leo; he was right about Marcus. I didn't see it. He tricked us," you said softly. Donald pulled you in for a hug. "Don't blame yourself. We were all fooled by Marcus except Leo. I just hope the kids are okay. I can't let them get hurt." He said and all you could think about was that you had completely ignored Leo when you should've been backing him up.

Some girlfriend you were...

Marcus Davenport

Being a bionic superhuman meant that you had no shortage of enemies. One of the constant enemies was Victor Krane; he aligned himself with Douglas originally until Douglas switched sides and became good. Marcus — now a good guy — also knew about Krane. Which meant trouble.

You were looking around the house, trying to find your bionic boyfriend but to no avail. You went down to the lab to see Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo training (cause Leo has his bionic arm now). "Hey guys. Has anyone seen Marcus? He hasn't been returning my calls or texts and I'm getting worried." You said anxiously. "Don't worry Y/N. I'm sure it's nothing. You know Marcus; he always comes back," Bree reminded you and you nodded. "But I have this gut feeling. Something's wrong Bree. I can't explain it but I just know that something's wrong." You emphasized.

Chase had a weird face, which you could only interpret as something bad. "Chase? What is it?" You asked. "I'm getting a code in my bionic chip. From...Marcus." He explained. Your heart was racing. "Well can you read it?" Bree asked. Chase used his bionic scanner to project the message of code into the lab.

3-1-14'20 5-19-3-1-16-5.
19-5-14-4 8-5-12-16.'

The gears turned in your head until you realized what the code was. "This is Marcus's use of the A1Z26 Cipher. He used numbers to substitute letters of the alphabet," you explained. With Chase's fast typing, he decrypted the code.

'SOS. Krane. Soldiers. Can't escape. Send help.'

Your stomach churned as you heard the words leave Chase's mouth: "Marcus has been kidnapped by Krane and his bionic soldiers." That was the last thing you heard before everything went black.

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