Part 1:

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Author's note:

This is my first fanfiction (and my first time posting anything on here), so it may be really bad. Please let me know if I'm complete trash or if there is any chance for me at all. Feel free to give me advice, tips, notes, or anything that seems useful. I hope you enjoy it!

Will's POV:

     My heart races as I wake up on my bed in fear, my palms sweating and my covers thrown down. I take deep breaths, remembering that it was just a dream. 

     Please say that I haven't woken him up... I look over the side of my bed, Mike laying peacefully on his dark red sleeping bag. My heart pulls against my chest, aching to do nothing more that lean down and touch him.

     I force myself back to reality, thankful that this didn't go like our last sleepover: I woke up, crying from the same dream I have every night. He forced me to go home (it was at his house), saying that it would be better for me.

     That's Mike for you--always caring more about the other person than himself.

     I fall back onto my bed, pulling my light blue covers over me. I take deep, slow breaths, calming down, until the darkness finally takes me.


     The cool air hits my face as I throw my car door open, desperate to get away from my mom. 

     "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to the entrance, sweetie?"

     "Mom, I'm fine." Why can't people just treat me normal? I'm fine... I almost feel like I'm trying to convince myself. The dreams are nothing. They're just dreams. 

     "Will! Over here!" A familiar voice calls out, echoing in the huge parking lot.

     I look over to see Dustin with his hand by his mouth (he was obviously the one who called), Max riding her skateboard (looking as badass as ever), Lucas on his bike next to her, and El's hands wrapped securely around Mike's waist, riding his bike. I feel a pang of jealousy hit me.

     I walk over as Lucas, Mike and Dustin put their bikes away, and Max gets off her skateboard. "Hey," I say a little quieter than intended.

     Off in the distance, I hear the bell ring. "We should probably get going," Lucas says, turning toward the school.

      As we get closer, the rush of students becomes thicker. We finally burst into the halls, making our way towards our conveniently close lockers (I suspect it has something to do with my mother wanting us to be close together).

     The second bell rings and we make our way to first period. I watch Mike and El walk down the hallway, holding hands. They turn around the corner as that familiar sick feeling creeps into my stomach.

     How much more of this can I take?


      I feel my cheeks go slightly pink after failing to open my locker (due to my hands fumbling after seeing Mike go to his locker). The last bell of the day just rang, and the hallways are starting to clear out.

     After getting my stuff, I start to walk down the hall with the rest of the group. 

     "Hey look! It's the little faggot with all his boyfriends!"

      I lower my head as I feel a hand shove my back saying."Fag," as he and his bully friends walks by.

     "You know, he isn't wrong." I don't know what made me say it. I raise my head slightly, to find everyone's eyes on me. I feel myself going red as I look at all of them, clearly shocked. Well, all except one.

    Mike's eyes seem happy, relieved almost. What does that mean? I'm probably just making it up...

    "Wait, does that mean you're-" Max begins. "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked that-"

     "You know, I'm kind of tired of hiding it." I feel as if someone is possessing me. Like this isn't actually my voice. "Why can't we all just be who we are? Well, I'm tired of it. So here's the truth:" My breath is short and staggered. My face is burning. But I don't stop. I'm tired of hiding. "I'm g-"

     "Well, well, well," Mr. Clarke says accusingly, "what are we all doing in the hallways? You know, this isn't just a free for all. We have rules! Go on, get outta here." He starts shooing us like flies.

     I feel slightly relieved, but majorly disappointed. Coming out isn't easy, and I was kind of on a roll...

     The silence that follows is almost unbearable. I wish I could scream, or yell, just do something. But instead, I quietly mumble a "goodbye," and go toward my mom's car.

     "Hey, honey. Are you okay? You seem sad," my mom says worriedly.

     "I'm fine." I can only wish that one of these days I can mean it.

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