Part 3

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Will's POV:

How do you break up with your best friend? 

My mind wanders as I think of how I'll talk to Mike about Eleven. I pull my covers up onto my body, shivering. I close my eyes...

"" But something was different. The voice wasn't mine.

"Hello?" I murmur, "is someone else there?"

The forest is completely still. Black trees surround me, and I can't hear anything.

"It's-" the voice sounds out of breath, but it stops too suddenly.


"Quiet," the other voice demands me.

All of a sudden, I can feel it. It's presence is upon me, I know it's here somewhere. Blackness is surrounding me, closing in.But before I leave this place, I need to know who that is. The other voice.

Something larger than fear is taking over me. Curiosity burns my skin as I try to quietly go to the voice. 

"Don't. Move." Their voice is so quiet and fear filled, it seems almost too familiar.

"Who are you?"


All of a sudden I'm in my bed, panting like a dog. I need to know who that is. Something about it, I just need to find out. Something inside me is telling me to find out.

The problem is, how do I even try?


"You still game to do this?"

"Yeah, totally." Just telling my friend that his first girlfriend wants to dump him. No big deal.

El seems to read my expression. "You really don't have to, I just think it would be better if he heard it from you."

"Okay. Yeah. Sure."

"And also, it should be done before the dance next Wednesday. I don't want him asking me to go, and then I say no..?"

"I completely understand."

"Okay. Thanks." 

As I watch El pace around, I realize that she seems more nervous than I am. 

"Look. It'll be fine. I'll be fine, you'll be fine, I'm sure Mike will understand." I see the relieved expression in El's face. I think she believes it.

But I don't.


"Hey, so, umm... I wanted to talk to you."

Mike looks extremely uncomfortable, but as if he already knows what I'm going to say. What could that mean? Am I too late? Did El or someone else already talk to him? There's no way, right? I mean, it's Friday before the dance! I'm sure no one has...


"Look, it's okay. I know what you're going to say." Mike still looks uncomfortable, but now it seems like he isn't sure how to put what he's going to say.

El probably beat me to it. Or Dustin. Or Lucas. Maybe she decided they were better for the job than me. I feel a small pang of jealousy hit me, or just hurt that she didn't tell me.

"Well, I'm just going to say it. You're gay."


"Well, that's what you were going to talk to me about, right? About what you said earlier this week?"

"Ohh..." I am completely confused, but I also understand now. He thought that I was going to talk to him about me, and what I said before. He has no idea about El. "Do you know anything else?"

"What? About what?"

So he really knows nothing. Oh. But he knows I'm gay. Well, I mean, after that conversation it's not really a secret. 

"So. Is it true?"

"Is what true?" He looks annoyed, but understanding.

"That you're....?"

"Oh. Yeah. It is." He smiles.

"So. That's what you came here."

"Umm..." Right now may not be the best time for this news. "Yeah."

Mike starts to walks turn away, but then looks back. "You know, I'm okay with it. With you know." Then he turns away and leaves.

So many thoughts are running though my mind right now: First of all, why won't he say it? Why won't he just say the word "gay"? It seems like he's almost scared of it. But he's completely straight. Does he know I like him? Oh god, I hope not.

Also, why did he smile when I said that I was gay? What could that mean? I probably imagined it. I definitely imagined it. There's no way, right?


Hello! I just want to ask you, do you want me to continue this? I'm just not sure how this is turning out. Let me know in the comments please! Also, if you have any suggestions as to what I should write next (like, another fanfiction) then please let me know. I hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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