Questions With Weird Answers

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(Ash's POV)

I felt odd. What was going on? Serena stood in front of me, with a worried expression on her face. Serena looked beautiful, wait! What was I thinking?! What is happening to me?! "Serena.." I blushed at her. "What?" she asked, with her eyes looking at me directly. Was I about to confess to her? This was a dream come true! "I..I love you.." I mumbled, hugging her.

                                         Credit goes to the person who made this fan-art

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                                         Credit goes to the person who made this fan-art

After me hugging her, she stood there. Is she going to reject me? The only words that came out of her were, "I need time to think about this.." Great! She rejected me. What am I going to do now?! The next day, Serena had already left to go to outside and train. "Alright Pancham, if we want to win, we need to train! Just like Ash!" she cheered. I walked outside and peeked around the corner. "Pancham, stone edge! Braixen, flamethrower!" she screamed. The combination made an explosion, resulting as a big mess. "What if something like this happens during the competition..?" a tear dropped from her eye. I walked up to Serena. "Hey, it's alright..don't give up!" I comforted her. "Thanks Ash.." she whispered, "About you liking me.." she looked at me. "I..feel the same way.." she said. Wow, it was really happening! I walked up to Serena and Serena walked up to me.. We both kissed. I few days passed by and Serena won her next princess key. "Now I can join the master class!" she cheered, happier than usual. "Yeah.." I replied. "I don't feel good.." I mumbled. I walked to the restroom and threw up. 

(Bonnie's POV)

I forgot! The effect wears off after a couple of days. "Serena.. I might of given Ash a love potion.." I whispered sheepishly. "YOU DID WHAT?!" she screamed. "Sorry.." I looked down. "It's alright, next time, have it go on longer!" Serena winked at me. I knew she was upset. I had to repay her somehow.. Ash then came out of the restroom. "I'm done.." he said. "So.. I don't remember anything but the resturant and before that.." Ash looked around. "Serena won her next princess key so she can go to the master class!" Clemont explained, refreshing Ash's memory. "Alright.. so when is it?" he asked. "It's tuesday.." I looked at Serena's phone. "Today is Saturday, so two days!" Clemont added. We then went into the pokemon center and we rested. "I'm bored.." Ash said. "I have a new invention! Clemontic gear on! I call it, the Future Detector!" he cheered. "No good names, huh.." I joked. "Well it's impressive.." Clemont made a point, "The future detector can let you see five minutes into the future!" "SCIENCE IS SO AMAZING!" Ash yelled in excitment. Serena looked at the machine directly. "So.. can I put it on?" Serena asked. "No! I'm the one who was bored!" Ash screamed. "Fine.." Serena grumbled while Ash put the invention on his head. "Wow this is.." he started to say, but the vision came up.

(Ash's POV) 

I was amazed, the machine was working! I looked around, where was I? I then saw short honey, blonde hair poking out of some bed sheets. "Wake up.." I whispered. "Huh?" a face poked out of the sheets. It was Serena. "Oh hey babe!" Serena cheered. She called me babe! Were me and Serena going to get married? "So, you going to make breakfast?" I asked. "I told you stop joking about my cooking! Remember you said my cooking was bad!" Serena gave me a "I'm angry" face. "Just make breakfast.." Serena kissed my cheek. I then closed my eyes and opened them. "Ash! Wake up!" Serena was waving her arm in my face. "Serena.." I chuckled, "Miss me?" Serena blushed and went up to Clemont. "He's awake.." I heard her whisper. Clemont went up to me. "What did you see?" he asked. I felt my cheek, the kiss was still there, how? "Ash?" Bonnie looked at me. "Oh yeah.. It was great!" I said. "Serena, you can put it on now!" Bonnie grabbed the invention off my head and put it on Serena's.

(Serena's POV)

I looked around. I was in some bed sheets. What the heck was I doing? I got out of bed. "Ash?" I looked around again, confused. Guess it didn't work. "BOO!" Ash jumped out and scared me. "Hey!" I mumbled. "I made some food!" he cheered. "Go eat!" he pointed to a table of food. When did Ash learn how to cook? "Thanks.." I said. "Do you need something to cheer you up?" Ash wondered. "Uhmm...sure?" I didn't know what would happen, but then Ash kissed me on my cheek. Maybe Ash might accept my feelings! I wasn't quite sure though.. "Alright, I'll eat.." I said. "Serena!" Bonnie poured water on my face. "BONNIE!" I screamed. I was back to the present. "Oh.." I got out of a chair and saw Ash. Maybe he got a vision like that too. "Ash, what was your vision about?" I asked. "Let's talk about it another time.." he chuckled. Clemont grabbed his pokeballs and threw them up. "Come out everyone!" he yelled. All his pokemon came out. "Let's perform the love dance!" Bonnie teased. "This is how you do it!" she exclaimed. "You put your left hand up, and jump! Do it!" Bonnie tought Clemont's pokemon how to do a dance. "Now, for the couple!" she explained. Couple?? The pokemon performed a dance around me and Ash. "Bonnie?" I asked. "It's for your future, Serena!" she screamed in delight. My future..

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