Stealing "Him"

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Hello! Here is the next chapter! I was really lazy today so I decided to make another chapter! I also will make this chapter over 1000 words long! Well you can start reading!

(Ash's POV)

I looked around the room mysteriously and saw Serena in a weird pose. Maybe this has to do with the love room? 

"Hey Ash.." Serena said in a way she would never do. Serena was acting strange and it looked like she was blushing.

"Serena? What are you doing?" I asked. She has never let this part of her come out. What was this new personality of her?

"Wanna' come on the bed?" she asked, winking at me. WHAT THE HECK WAS SHE DOING. 

"C'mon Ashy..." she grabbed my hand. 

"NOOOO!" I yelled, tugging and pulling.

"NOOOO!" I screamed.

"Ash! Ash! Wake up!" I felt someone's hands pushing me back and forth. It was Serena. I looked up at her and she wasn't acting weird, but I still stumbled back.

"D-don't do something bad to me!" I screamed, covering my arms over my head. Serena tilted her head which made her look cute and I realized it was a dream.

"Oh.. It was just a dream.." I sighed in relief. Serena was confused at what just happened.

"What dream?" she asked. Her blue eyes shined like a star. She was really cute. WAIT CUTE?! I need to get a hold of my feelings.

"I just had another bad dream, that's all.." I chuckled. Serena didn't believe me, but she still let me pass anyways.

"Well we are having breakfast now, and Clemont wanted me to wake you up.." Serena explained, still worried for me. Wait breakfast? Did I really sleep that long? No time to think, I am really hungry!

I rushed down the halls as fast as I could and I reached the table in time for some food to be left. "Uh..Ash.." Clemont looked down at me. I then noticed, I was still in my PJ's! I slightly chuckled and ran back to the room and came back. Serena was sweating, maybe because I ran fast down the hallways. When I finished eating, Serena gave out Poké puffs to the Pokémon and I grabbed two to eat of my own. One was floating up in the air and went to the direction of a Slurpuff. The Poké puff went inside it's mouth and it swallowed it in one bite.


A girl came out from behind with blue hair. "Slurpuff says your Poké puffs taste decient enough!" the girl cheered. Serena didn't seem too happy about it.

"Decient enough?" Serena mumbled, repeating what the girl just said.

"By the way, I'm Miette!" the girl called Miette exclaimed. Miette looked at all four of us. First she looked at the siblings and then Serena, then me. Miette pointed at me and Serena.

"Are you guys a thing?" she asked. Serena turned as red as a beet.

"N-NO! WE'RE JUST.. GOOD FRIENDS!" Serena yelled. She seemed angry and embarrased at the same time. Though I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Clemont," I whispered in to Clemon't ear, "What are they talking about?" I looked back at the girls. Clemont sweatdropped.

"Not sure, girl talk?"

Bonnie walked up to us with a toothy grin. "You boys are clueless.." she giggled and ran back to Serena and Miette.

(Serena's POV)

Miette seemed to like Ash too by the way she was talking. She went up to my ear and whispered something, "If you don't tell Ash how you feel, I'll tell him how I feel.." I blushed hard at that, though it seemed she was joking. A part of me thought she was serious, but I didn't take it that serious. Me and Bonnie ran back to the boys.

"Big brother! When is Serena's master class?" Bonnie tugged on Clemont's leg, waiting for an answer.

"I don't perform! Serena does! She should know!"

"Well she doesn't.." Bonnie mumbled, frustrated. The TV turned on with the same lady that announced the date of the Kalos League.

"Here we are! The place of the Master Class! It was revealed that the date will be a week after the Kalos League!" the lady said, "We will have more news next time!" the TV quickly switched to a show called, "Paul's Pokémon Talk!" We turned around to see Miette returning her Pokémon to their balls.

"Hey Ash.." she looked at him, "Can I talk to you about something?" she gave me a look. Maybe she thought it was the perfect time to be Ash's boyfriend while we wait for the Kalos League. I hoped it wouldn't be true.

(Ash's POV)

I walked over to Miette behind a wall. Miette leaned over to me. "Ash.. I know we have just met but.." she looked at me, like this was very important, "Will.. you be my boyfriend?" she blushed. I guessed this was the thing people called, 'Love at first sight' I thought about it. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I wasn't sure. Did I love her just like love at first sight, or did I like someone else. 

I didn't think of anyone else I would like so, "Sure!" just blurted out of my mouth. Miette then leaned closer to me and pecked me on the lips. I was feeling strange. Me and Miette went out of the corner.

"Me and Ash are dating!" Miette cheered. I looked at Miette, still unsure about this. Eh, whatever, I was dense about love, right? I'll just let it be.

Bonnie patted Serena on the back, as if she felt bad for her. I felt a new feeling I had never felt before. Guilt.

(Serena's POV)

I couldn't believe it! Ash accepted her love! Maybe he never liked me in the first place. A tear dropped from my face but nobody saw it except for Bonnie. Bonnie was the only one who knew about my feelings for Ash.

"Alright Ash, you want to celebrate this with a date?" Miette asked, holding Ash's hand. I felt depression. I wanted to run. Cry. Kill myself. It was happening again. And to hear Ash's reponse.

"Sure! Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, want to come with?" 

Bonnie and Clemont had the same response except Bonnie was a bit sad, "Ok!"

"Serena, what about you?"

I looked down and all that went out of my mouth was, "No thanks.." and then I walked away. I heard Ash run and try to grab my hand to convince me to come, but Miette grabbed his hand tighter and pulled him away. That was the last I heard of him. I ran into the room and sat on my bed. 

Tears dropped on to the sheets. "Why..?" I mumbled. My outfit became wet, until I just put my head on my pillow, making the tears soak it up. I had multiple flash backs.


"Ash, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Me and Ash are dating!" 


I couldn't take it anymore! I grabbed a rope and ran outside. I wrapped the rope around the tree, around and around until it was in a loop. The rope hung down and at the bottom, there was a hole, small enough for a head like mine to fit in it. I put my head in the rope, getting ready to pull the rope, choking me.

"The world hates me, there's no need for me.." I whispered, another group of water drops coming from my eyes dropping to the grass. I remembered all the times I had with Ash. 

I heard my name, but it was too late. I had pulled it. I had pulled

The rope

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