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Matt fell asleep in my lap after about fifteen more minutes of crying. I don't think that he had slept since Wednesday night, so I didn't move him. We still sat on the curb, my back against the streetlamp and my hands running through Matt's dark feathery hair to soothe him. I didn't know how I was going to get him home, but I just wanted to sit with him right now. The music had long since died out and all of the partygoers were escorted to Ubers or cabs by a couple of the boys. I enjoyed sitting in this quiet bubble.

"Hey you," I hear from my right side. I look over to find Ian standing there. He gives me a small smile.

"Hi," I reply quietly. I look back down at the boy in my lap and my heart feels broken for him. I hated seeing someone so perfect feel so horrible.

"I talked to Romil and he offered to let Matt, Jaden, and I stay here tonight. I accepted because I don't think Matt can make it much longer. I know you need to get back home to Lacey and your dad, so I can help you bring him into the house," Ian says, not moving yet. He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet.

"Fuck. I forgot to call my dad. He's gonna be worried," I curse. I take my right hand off of Matt's hair and I reach into my sweatshirt pocket to pull out my phone. It's midnight and I have three text messages from my dad. I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket.

"C'mon. I will help you get him up," Ian says, moving in front of me. I nod and let go of Matt. Ian lifts him up and I help him by pushing up on Matt's back. Ian drapes Matt's left arm around his neck and I take Matt's right arm around my neck. We walk slowly back into Romil's house, but it takes us a little while because of Matt's feet dragging on the grass. Ameer and Merlyn help us get him up the few stairs and into the living room. We leave him outstretched on the couch.

Romil's house is a barren wasteland of empty beer bottles, dirty paper plates, red cups, and ashtrays full of cigarette butts. Everyone has left now except Matt, Ian, Jaden, Ameer, Merlyn, Joba, Romil, and I. We all stand in the living room, watching Matt sleep, which seems rather odd. Romil is the first to move and he goes to grab a fluffy grey blanket for a wooden basket in the corner. He hands it to me because I am the closest to Matt. I wrap the blanket around his body before I go to his feet and pull off his shoes. I place them on the floor next to the couch. I then stand back up and turn around to face the other boys.

"I'm gonna take Ameer and Merlyn home," Joba speaks up.

"Have you been drinking?" Romil asks. He sounds like a mother. "I am not letting you drive if you've been drinking or smoking."

"No. I was the designated driver for these two," Joba says, pointing to Ameer and Merlyn. "They've been the ones partying it up."

"What can I say? I'm MERLYN!" Merlyn yells, making us all laugh. We all quiet down quickly though when Matt turns over in his sleep.

"Okay, well just text me when you're home please," Romil asks, pulling Joba in for a hug.

"Will do," Joba replies.

"Bye you guys," I say, hugging Ameer, Merlyn, and Joba. Everyone begins hugging each other and saying their goodbyes until it's just Jaden, Ian, Romil, and I left in the house.

"You guys are spending the night, right?" Romil asks, directing the question to Jaden and Ian, who both nod their heads.

"I need to head out. I'm sorry I'm leaving you with such a mess," I say, motioning around the littered room.

Romil shrugs his shoulders. "That's the problem with having parties. The cleanup. Don't worry, it's not your fault."

I give him a small smile and step toward him. I wrap my arms around his small frame and hug him. "Thank you Romil. Thank you for checking up on me earlier and for taking care of everyone. You're a great person."

sweet // matt championWhere stories live. Discover now