Yami X Insecure! Reader

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I'm honestly so sorry you guys. I've been really busy, but school's out. So hopefully I can get back on my feet. I only have one request after this, so feel free to request as much as you want.

Bullying. That's honestly all that ever happened to me. I didn't do anything. I had my flaws, like everyone else. I was annoying, ugly, clingy..Okay, maybe more flaws than most people. Everyone here seemed so perfect..So popular...
The bell rang. They finally left to go to class. I wiped my eyes, observed the bruises on my arms, the cuts, and ran my fingers over a bruise on my cheek. Great, so I can get more ugly. I just sighed. Today would be a day where I just have to deal with it. Gathering my book bag, I walked straight into my homeroom. I sat next to this boy named Yami. I thought he was incredibly cute, but honestly I felt bad for him. Every girl was after him, and by his facial expression most of the time, I could tell he hated it. I looked at him, offering a bit of a smile, "Good morning," I said. We had only talked a few times, but it was always hilarious when we did. He was really funny. I could see why the other girls, and even some guys were so obsessed. Doesn't mean I think it's right. They have no right to be possessive over what isn't theirs. He looked over at me, and I felt his eyes observing my face. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly,
"What happened to your cheek?" he asked. His voice was smooth, but concern was evident.
"Oh- um...I just..." I was searching frantically for an answer. He sighed a bit,
" Sit with me at lunch..We can discuss it then. I'll make sure it's just you and I." He said softly. He knew something was wrong. I felt bad for having him worry. He turned to the front as the teacher walked in. I was afraid. If he wasn't joking, the bullying would only get worse. The girls especially would give me hell about it.

Lunch soon arrived. Yami had made me follow him to sit with him. "So now, tell me what happened, the truth," he said. His voice was somewhat demanding.
"This morning...some jerks beat me up...that's all" I said softly. He seemed a bit surprised at my answer, but nodded.
"Do you know who it was?" He asked. I shook my head. I looked around the lunch room to see if I could see them, but the only thing I saw was girls glaring at me.
"Hey..I know this is a bit foreward..but would you mind..um..taking me home today...With the ways everyone is glaring at me..." He immediately understood.
"I understand. Don't worry, " he said nodded.
Throughout the next few hours I was pushed, taunted, and various words were thrown at me, but I am used to it.


Yami was waiting for me outside the school. I was walking towards him when, again, I got pushed. I fell this time, landing on my chest. (Y'all girls know how that hurts ) I felt tears rushed to my eyes. I looked to where Yami was, but girls were crowded around him. It didn't take him long to notice that I was on the ground crying. He pushed the girls out of the way and rushed over to me.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, trying to help me up. I whimpered in pain, but he got my on my feet anyways.
"M-my knee..." I whispered. He nodded.
"My car is right over there...I'll carry you." He said, picking me up bridal style. I blushed slightly, but wiped my eyes. He carried me to the car, and helped me into the passenger's seat. I buckled and he got into the drivers seat. With that, he started to drive.

Months passed. It was time to tell him. He was coming to my house to study. Well actually, help me study. It was nice to know he cared. The bullying had lessened some, but when it did happen, it was bad. The girls were all super jealous. I was so scared to tell him. Liking him makes me no better than the rest of the girls..Maybe less psychopathic, but still.
The door bell rang, and I saw his car in the driveway. I quickly went to unlock the door, and let him in.
"Hey, Y/N," he smiled a bit, and I smiled back. I was fidgeting as I stood aside so he could come in, "Are you alright?" He asked. I just nodded,
"Well...actually I have something to tell you.." I knew if I post-poned it, I wouldn't do it at all, "Look...I know you hate it when people..confess to you..and I know it annoys you.. But I like you...Like I really, really like you. You've helped me through all of this, and I just couldn't help falling for you..." He was silent. So was I. I couldn't look at his face, but I knew I was blushing a lot.
  "Y/N-" I cut him off.
  "You can l-leave if you want...i-it's okay." he put his finger under my chin to make me look at him. He shook his head slowly
  "I'm not going to leave. ." He pressed his forehead against mine, "I like you too," he gently pressed his lips against my own  Only for a few seconds, "Now let's study, okay?
  "Alright, thank you, Yami..." I smiled a bit, still shaking some.


Alright guys, I'm back. For how long, who knows, but I'll do my best to update for now. I'm working on a new chapter for the Lost Items. Look F oreward to that soon.
WBN Out~

Oneshots (Open requests !)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt