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"Is that your natural hair colour?"

"No, I dyed them. Do you like it?"said the girl hopefully

"Ew it's like vomit." The girl left with a disappointed look on her face.

Well, I was honest. What should I've said? It was like, so green. She had her hair dyed green. The specific shade was awful. Nevermind I should just entertain myself with something different.

"Hey Eve."

"Matt shit you scared the hell outta me."

"I'm glad i did."

"You fuckin idiot." He smiled and his dimples of his were so intense.

We have been together for almost a year now and I have to say I was very pleased. We had this on-and-off relationship. I cheated on him and he on me but at the end of the day, we were together. We had sex most of the time. Or hooking up. Whatever it just had to be somethng physical. But I liked that.

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Yeah, shouldn't you?" He played with my hair playfully and kissed me. It was nice. A kiss. We had lots of them.

"Wanna skip 3rd period?" he asked me

"I thought you'd never ask."

I was not a bad student, and neither was he. Well not the best in class either. Average. Whatever, a descent SATs score was just fine.

Matt led me to the boy's bathrooms and grabbed my waist when we got in. He started to give me some neck kisses when we realised someone had been watching us.

"Couldn't you do this somewhere else?" said Synyster

"Shut up Gates can't you see I'm busy right now?" said Matt and looked at him furious

"Whatever just don't act like jerks all the time."

...and he was gone

"Finally I am able to spend some time with you."

I smiled and pulled him into one of the lockers near the restrooms. He kissed me passionately and pushed his hands on my hips as he was pulling me closer to him. He was really tall but I managed to reach him after I stood on my tiptoes. His hands went lower and I put mine on his chest under his shirt.

"I noticed that you've been going at the gym pretty frequently am I right?" he said, putting more and more stength as we continued.

I laughed and nodded. He sure knew how to give me a good time. I pulled of off his shirt and he started playing with my bra with his other hand. It felt so good. God, I needed this. I started kissing his naked chest and then sinked my fingertips into every inch of his. I bit his lips and played with his hair. He fondled my thighs and my underwear. He really enjoyed feeling me up, and so did I. Then Matt pushed his hand on my neck and under my clothes.

Shit, the bell.

"I wouldn't mind staying here with youbut I have sociology and I cant'skip more classes of that." He nodded but I could tell the anger on his face.

I couldn't wait to see Mr. Jackman. Hugh actually. We were really close and had a special relationship. What's wrong with being with a teacher after all?

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