The Fall

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       All you remember is tripping over that root. But your foot seems fine! You thought. You open your eyes.

       "Wh-where am I?" You stutter. 

       "Why, your in the Underground!" cries a voice.

       "Wh-who said that?"

       "I did, of course. I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower," stated Flowey. "Your new to the Underground, aren't ya? I'll give you some info!"

Your sight becomes black and white. "I'm showing you how to live in the Underground!"said Flowey. "You see that? That's your soul! The very culmination of your being. Down in the Underground, we share love in all the monsters. Here, run into these  white friendliness pellets!"

You want to, but something tells you there's something wrong. Deciding not to touch them, you move to the side.

 Deciding not to touch them, you move to the side

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"Aww, you missed them. Let's try that again." You move to the side again. "Hey you can't get some love if you don't touch them!" Feeling like you should give this weird, talking flower a chance, you touch one of the pellets. It stings like hell.

"Ha! In this world, it's kill or BE killed!" Flowey yells. He starts to laugh maniacally. Your suddenly surrounded by white, Friendliness pellets. As they touch you, you feel stronger. 

"Why aren't you dying?!" Flowey exclaimed. 



Flowey goes flying into the distance.

"Don't be afraid, my child," says a voice.

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