There's "Snow" Bones Here

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As you walk through the door, you see a familiar flower.

"You didn't kill her. How convenient," coos Flowey.

You don't care what he says. You continue walking. ( UH-BYE!). A pair of doors looms in front of you. Opening them you get very cold. You see a lot of snow. You walk through the forest to a weird wall. It looks as though someone tried to build a wall to block something or someone. Could that someone be you?....

You hear a twig crack.

You look around. Shouting at whatever it was to go away, a voice sounds from behind you.

"heh. is that anyway to treat a new friend? shake my hand," says the mysterious voice. You turn around and shake their hand. (You  have no clue why you shake their hand.

'''(Loud fart noise here)

"hahahahahahah! the old 'whoopee cushion in a hand' trick. works every time!"

You realize that your looking at a skeleton.

"hey. i'm sans. sans the skeleton," Sans says. "nice to meetcha."

You still can't get past the fact that your looking at a skeleton. He seems to be friendly though.

"well, listen. my brother will come soon, so we need to leave," Sans says. You follow him to a clearing, when you hear "NYEH HEH HEH!"

"quick! hide behind that conveniently shaped lamp!" sans says.

"Nyeh heh heh! It is I, the great Papyrus!"

"cool. so anyways, look at this conveniently shaped lamp," Sans points out.

You feel mad at him for ratting you out. He told you to hide there so he could give you to this Papyrus.

"I have no time to look at pretty lamps Sans," Says Papyrus. I'm here to ask you if you've seen any humans."

"no, but you should really look at this lamp. It's so intricate."

"Nyeh! HAVE YOU SEEN ANY HUMANS OR NOT!" Papyrus yells.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I have."

"You did? Where did they go? And why did you let them ESCAPE!?"

"because. i was on my break. by the way, if you want to know which way they went, it was by your gate."

"I'll deal with you later! Right now, I have a human to catch!"

You wonder why Sans kept pointing out the lamp you were hiding behind.

"if you were wondering why i kept telling Papyrus about your hiding spot, it was because i knew he wouldn't look at it," he said. "reverse psychology."

You listen to him ramble on and on about puns for a little while, when he starts to lead you towards a town.

"this is snowdin. it's where Pappy and i live. you can stay a while, if you want. but first, you should stop at grillby's with me."

You follow him to Grillby's, which turned out to be a fast food restaurant. You sit at the counter with Sans, and wait. This flame-headed guy comes to the counter, startling you a bit, but not much. You've come to expect weird things like this.

"hey, can i have two burgers please?" Sans says. He looks over at you, remembering that you're here as well. "oh. what would do you want frisk?"

The souls of the innocent! Says a voice in your head. You ignore it, saying what you'd like."A bagel." What? Nooooo! "Two bagels."


Sans turns to you, and it's like the whole pub freezes. "so, what do you think of the underground?" 

You shrug your shoulders, not sure what to say.

"not much of a talker, huh?" Sans states. "well, it may not seem like it, but snowdin's actually a nice place."

You motion to Sans that you'd like to leave. He understands, but when you're at the door, he calls you.

"oh, by the way. if my brother finds you on your way out of town, beware of his blue attack",Sans warns you.

You're walking through town, when you see a kid with no arms. That, or his sweater was made with no arm-holes. Then you pass the Librarby. Laughing in your head about the spelling, you wonder who spelt it.

When your about to leave the area, when a voice calls out to you.

"Stop! It is I, the great Papyrus! You are a human, and if I am to get into the royal guard, I must capture you!"

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