Chapter 2

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Hiccup kept an extra careful eye on Toothless this time, although the first thing the dragon did was seek out Dictatious. With Hiccup keeping him from jumping on the blind troll, Dictatious extended a hesitant hand, touching the black dragon on the snout. Toothless hummed and Dictatious jerked back a little, but kept his hand against the warm scales. "Such a strange texture- he feels like some sort of immense lizard. Do they all feel like this?"

Hiccup grinned, happy that Blinky had made progress on drawing Dictatious out of his shell. "No, Toothless is actually one of a kind, he's the only night fury I've ever seen. Dragons have as much diversity as trolls do, and my friends all have different kinds." Dictatious nodded slowly, still stroking Toothless, who nudged into his side. "Weird that he likes you so much. Maybe I could take you on a flight sometime." Dictatious looked excited for a second, but then he hesitated. "I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. The thought of flight, even on such a magnificent creature, is frankly terrifying."

The dragon riders had been properly introduced to the trolls after Dictatious was brought back, since there was no easy excuse to cover his presence. The two groups got along well, with everyone finding ways to get along and do things together. Dagur and Astrid found it fun to have new stony sparring partners, and the twins partnered with NotEnrique to create a formidable pranking team. Heather and Fishlegs liked learning about troll culture and history, while Hiccup spent most of his time with Blinky. He was helping the blue troll with a strategy for defeating Gunmar, using his battle experience to trade ideas with Blinky.

Snotlout, meanwhile, had found a like mind in Steve- Eli was there too, but he stuck so close to Steve that the pair might be considered one person. "So, why did your parents name you Snotlout?" Steve asked. His new viking friend shrugged and leaned back against a tree. "Why did yours name you Steve? Weirdest name I've ever heard." Steve struggled for a minute, and Eli came to his rescue. "It's actually a pretty common name. You've never heard it?"

Snotlout raised an eyebrow. "Nope. Viking names are supposed to incite fear in our enemies. For example, you see Dagur over there?" Dagur was currently wrestling a troll twice his size and laughing maniacally. "He's called the Dagur the Deranged. His tribe are berserkers, and trust me, you want no beef with those guys." Steve flinched as he watched Dagur somehow get the upper hand, a crazed expression on the redhead's face. "I see what you mean. But what's scary about the name Snotlout?" Snotlout groaned. "Okay, it's not that scary. But at least it's better than Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. Steve and Eli snorted, and their dragon rider friend grinned- at least someone appreciated his jokes.

Suddenly, a loud boom sounded from the other side of the island, and everyone froze, looking around for the source. Smoke started to rise, the humans and trolls finding themselves quickly lost in it. Hiccup managed to find Toothless and fly above the smoke, and when he came back down his expression was grim. "Blinky! There are war ships off of the coast. They have catapults, and I think they're after me- I'm not sure if they know you're here. You need to leave before they see you." Blinky shook his head, coughing from the thick smoke. "No need, we have a network of tunnels carved throughout the island. Find the entrances, and we can all hide down below. Find your friends and get to safety!"

Hiccup found his friends and ushered them into the tunnels, along with their dragons and the free trolls. Once below, everyone was accounted for- except Blinky. Jim found Hiccup in the crowd, looking for his mentor. "Where's Blinky? I thought he was with you." Hiccup shook his head helplessly. "I thought he was with you. He sent me to find my friends and get them down here-" Abruptly Hiccup whipped around, searching the crowds of creatures around him. "Toothless is gone too! He was right next to me!" Jim climbed back towards the tunnel's entrance, with Hiccup close behind, having an idea of what might have happened. "I think Blinky went back for Dictatious. Toothless could also be out there still, and that smoke can't be good to breath for long."

The clock was ticking and the search was on, but can everyone really be saved?

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