Chapter 3

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*the buildings are like wood barracks- no idea if trolls would actually do this but I liked the idea.*

Dictatious was huddled in a corner, shivering with fear. When the warships had begun their assault Dictatious was alone in his room, and when he tried to find out what was happening, everyone was gone, leaving the green troll terribly alone. Retreating, Dictatious had decided to wait for help, but as the smoke filled his lungs he came to regret his choice more and more. Then suddenly, a voice he never thought he'd be happy to hear, "Dictatious!"

"I'm in here! I'm here!" Relief flooded his heart, and Dictatious put his hands out, trying to find his brother by touch. Heat abruptly kissed his skin, and Dictatious wondered if something was on fire. Then Blinky's hands were locked with his, and he was being guided out of his room. "The ceiling of your room and the main hall are on fire. We need to evacuate with all haste." Just as Dictatious was about to reply, there was a crash- a horrible scream filled Dictatious's ears, and Blinky was ripped away from him as the ceiling fell in.

Blinky woke slowly to the sensation of someone pulling on his arm. "Please, little brother, don't be gone... Don't leave me!" The voice above him broke off from it's pleading with a broken sob. Blinky stirred- could that really be Dictatious? A ceiling beam had fallen on him, and Blinky groaned: it was still burning his skin. "Dictatious? This place is falling apart, you need to get out!"

But his brother only resumed his panicked tugging. "I won't leave you here to die." Blinky tried to push the beam away, but it was too heavy. "No! If you stay here, we both die. I have mourned you once, I won't mourn you again." Dictatious growled and set his face in a stubborn frown. "And I have made many mistakes that I will always regret. This will not be one of them."

Both trolls were coughing from the thickening smoke, and Blinky could feel the pulling get weaker and weaker. He pleaded with Dictatious to leave him, but his brother just sat beside him and waited, finally realizing that there was no possible way to escape. "Blinkous, I have made my choice. Better to die trying to save you than abandoning you to save myself. Besides, I don't think there is an exit anymore: I can feel the heat all around us." Dictatious found his brother's hand, and the two sat waiting, the flames building-

A roar shook the ground and something big burst through the wall. "Toothless!" Dictatious shouted, feeling the dragon brush against him. He knelt down and shook Blinky's shoulder as Toothless grabbed the beam in his jaws, lifting it off the blue troll with little difficulty. Blinky was frighteningly quiet, and Dictatious felt a chill crawl down his spine despite the heat. He pulled Blinky onto the dragon's back, and Toothless guided his out of the burning building. Just as the trolls and dragon were safely outside, the building collapsed completely.

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