Chapter 2: Getting to Know Everyone

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I have been getting to know everyone quite well, everyone mostly wants to be in there rooms now and then and they like to do what they most like to do. 

Like for Matt, he likes to hide in his room and he will admire his looks all day long and redecorate his room a million times. But, mostly his room needs to be clean.... It's like a maze in there and someone can possibly die by one bunch of items falling onto them.

Tom, he had spiky hair and a light brown type of hair and has no eyes. He wears a blue hoodie, black jeans, and Vans converse. He likes to sit in his room and drink Smirnoff (his favorite drink I have heard) and likes to play on his guitar named Susan. He likes to call Tord a Jehvahs Witness. The two call each other names.

Tord, he has almost the same hair as Tom just a bit more brown and orange, he wears a red hoodie, black jeans, and red converse. He likes to watch hentai and thats it... He sits in his room and watch hentai all day, but he will come out now and then and when he sees tom he will call him a 'Commie'.

Edd, he is wears a green hoodie, tan pants, and green converse. He likes to draw but he is mostly out of his room just like me. He watches TV and he likes to drink Cola but he makes sure he brushes his teeth every morning and every night. He spends most of his time with his cat, Ringo who is a tabby cat but the cat is very nice and sweet and likes to cuddle most of the time!

I will transform when no one is home. I do not go into heat because of my pill, the doctor wants me to take it every morning and every night so then my heat doesn't come in and I do not have to worry about it. I usually wear a (F/C) tank top and some shorts but mostly pj's since I do not have a job yet, it is quite fun to be home alone though. I get to go through everyone's things and I do not get caught at all because I would be a cat by the time I would do so.

Everyone was having a great time getting a long, well except Tom and Tord but the two will get a long some time in life. Maybe when the world ends, they would have a great time killing whatever is going to happen to us such as zombies. Which happened once but the three managed to end it by turning it into a fun theme park for kids...... But there were some deaths by the parents and kids but they do not claim of it. 

We were all getting along! That's all that matters!


The World Can Be Nice (Tord x Neko!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon